Pribljubljene ure v Google Local search?


stranka me je obvestila, da se ji ob vpisu njihovega branda (dostava hrane) prikaže poleg naslova tudi PRILJUBLJENE URE, torej javno se prikaze kdaj je na strani največ obiska. Pri parih ponudnikih se prikazuje pri večini konkurence pa ne.

Kje je težava? Konkurenca se z Adwordsi sedaj točno ob teh najbolj iskanih urah obeša na njihov brand.

a.) Ali lahko stranka kaj naredi že samo za to, da se ne obešajo na njihov brand?

b.) Ali se da te priljubljene ure kako odstraniti?

Hvala za info.

3 odgovori

Če imajo zaščiteno ime potem lahko v adwords blokirajo oglaševanje konkurence na njihovo ime. Nevem točno kako, pomoje najbolje tja poklicati.


odpreš dispute, da se ti obešajo na blagovno znamko in daš dokazila o registrirani blagovni znamki. Probajte tudi če nimate uradno registrirano, poznam primer ko so vseeno ukrepali.

drugi način je tudi, da se konkurenco pokliče, se pove da to ni ravno moralno in se jih prosi da se tovrstni praksi izogibajo. Registracija blagovne znamke pa sicer ni tako hud strošek in če ne gre drugače se pač to izvede

EDIT: strošek registriracije v slo je cca 250eur, za eu pa malo čez 1000eur

EU and EFTA policy
For ad campaigns targeting the European Union and EFTA regions, the ad text policy above applies. Therefore, we do not prevent the selection of trademarks as keywords in the EU and EFTA. However, in response to a complaint, we will do a limited investigation as to whether a keyword (in combination with particular ad text) is confusing as to the origin of the advertised goods and services.

Details of EU and EFTA policy
In response to a complaint, we will do a limited investigation to see whether the use of a trademarked term as a keyword in combination with particular ad text is confusing as to the origin of the advertised goods and services (such as a keyword and ad that falsely imply affiliation with the trademark owner). If the combination of a keyword and ad text is confusing, we will disapprove the specific ad mentioned in the complaint so that it can't run.

Under our EU and EFTA policy, the following types of ads may use a trademark as a keyword, provided that the combination of the keyword and ad is not confusing (as described above). The following are examples, and not an exhaustive list:

Ads using a trademarked term when that term is being used in its ordinary meaning rather than in reference to the trademark
Ads for competing products or services
Ads for resale of the trademarked goods or service
Ads for the sale of components, replacement parts, or compatible products corresponding to a trademark
Ads for informational sites about a product or service corresponding to the trademark

Trademark terms used in keywords
Google will not investigate or restrict the use of trademark terms in keywords, even if a trademark complaint is received.