Squidoo - TOS


zadnje čase precej dela namenjam izdelavi leč na Squidoo in sicer wallpaperjev.

Malce sem povprašal na Squidu o ustreznosti teh leč (critiqu me) in so se začela pojavljati vprašanja glede pravic slik, dovoljenj avtorjev za slike in podobno:


"I have to ask, do you have permission from the creators of these wallpapers to take images and shrink them fro use on the lens? Do they have permission (or do Mike's TOS allow) use of brands, slogans and trademarks on wallpapers?"

Zanima me vaše mnenje, kaj menite, ali je moje lens Nike Wallpapers narejen po tem njihovem TOSu ali ne?

Če tale ni vredu, potem večina mojih lensov ni vredu. :(

Prosim vas za mnenje in nasvete ako in kaj naprej ...



In še en dodatek (odgovor), ki sem ga dobil na Squidu:

*"When an image is produced it has an owner - the person or company who holds copyright. The owner may allow the image to be used by others, often with conditions - these may include no resizing, not on a commercial page, must have a link back. Alternatively, he may say "all rights reserved" and not allow anyone else to use the image.

A trademark (eg "Nike" or the swoosh") has similar conditions.

It's up to you, if you want to use an image, to check the terms of service (TOS) on the owner's site, email them perhaps, and make sure you are allowed to use an image in the way that you want.

You will often find images on other sites that are clearly stolen - that does not give you any right whatsoever to use them.

Squidoo expects you to act legally and they're cracking down now on invalid use of images - that means lenses will be locked and deleted. Ignorance is no excuse - commonsense should tell you that you can't just take images whenever you want them -just because they show up in Flickr, for example, doesn't make them legal.

Wallpaper and colouring page lens are obvious offenders, pages on celebs and sporting stars etc."*