Facebook lead ads
3 naročniki
3 naročniki
Je že kdo delal z novimi lead ads, kjer uporabnik izpolni opt-in formo direktno na FB? Včeraj sem testiral zadevo, dobil nekaj leadov, sedaj pa nikakor ne najdem kje dostopam do teh podatkov oziroma kje se jih izvozi. :)
5 odgovorov
še ne, v kratkem pa bom, na vprašanje ti žal ne znam odgovorit.
koliko je pa stal en lead? je reach kaj boljši kot pri ppc/wc oglasih?
Tu imaš opisan celoten postopek:
Download Your Leads
Accessing your leads is a manual process for now. Facebook does not yet provide an option to import your leads automatically to a tool like MailChimp or AWeber. (Hopefully this functionality will come soon.)
To get your leads, go to the Facebook page that’s connected to your ads and click the Publishing Tools tab at the top.
From there, click Forms Library on the left side of the screen. Keep in mind that you need to have admin access to view forms.
forms library in menu
Select Forms Library to access your forms.
On the right, you’ll see all of the forms that you’ve created. Click the Download link next to your form to download your leads in CSV format.
forms library
In the Forms Library, click Download to download leads from your form.
The column fields are pretty self-explanatory. Columns A through F give you details about the ad, campaign, when the lead was captured and which form it was. After that, you’ll see the information that you requested from users.
Gre za dokaj specifično branžo, kje ima lahko lead visoko dodano vrednost, zato ti podatek o ceni ne bo povedal veliko, pa vseeno...do sedaj sem plačal nekje 4€ na lead. Podatki, ki sem jih zahteval so ime, email in telefon. Nimam pa pojma kje dostopam, do zbranih podatkov...bo treba še malo premetat power editorja :)