PayPal težava - prosim za pomoč
5 naročnikov
5 naročnikov
Že nekaj časa nazaj sem dobil obvestilo s strani PayPala glede porabe. Mislim, da zaradi tega mi ne sprovede plačila FB promocij, sedaj je tudi nekaj težav s povezavo PayPala in nove spletne prodajalne. Je mogoče to krivo? Kaj naj naredim glede na sporočilo, ki sem ga prejel:
*We recently reviewed your account, and we need more information about your business to allow us to provide uninterrupted service. We would like to return your account to regular standing as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Oct 25, 2012: You have received €1,800 or more in total payments to your PayPal account in this calendar year and are therefore approaching our annual receiving limit of €2,500. PayPal is required by law to comply with European Union Anti-Money Laundering regulations by collecting information from customers when they reach this limit. Please go to the Resolution Centre for more information on what you need to do.*
Hvala za nasvete.
5 odgovorov
To dobimo vsi, ko preideš čez določeno mejo.
Če slediš navodilom na paypal nebi bilo potrebe po temu postu.
Drugače pa poslat moraš scan enega računa (elektrika, telefon, voda) kjer je razvidna lokacija.