AdWords 125$ kuponi za stare račune

Naročnik oglasa

Fizična oseba

Rabil bi 1 kupon za AdWords 125$ za stare račune, ampak je minimalno naročilo 5 kuponov. Je kdo za Group buy? :)


*Here comes the best value to extract from your existing adwords accounts Special $125 Adwords Vouchers for old and already used vouchers accounts. As you may already know, such vouchers are very rare and are not available anywhere else in the whole voucher industry.

With these Vouchers, you do not have to create the new accounts and get trapped in Adwords new account review, etc problems. Just pick any of your good 'ol trustworthy running account, and re-use that once more. Alternatively, if you want to create a new account anyway - you can just combine this voucher with any other voucher also - for example $200 etc - so that you can get the $325 balance in your account. The possibilities are endless!!

We provide you 2 x $62 vouchers that you can redeem in a single account and get a total balance of $125. Even if the account used any other vouchers previously, you can still redeem my vouchers in that. Also, these are completely worldwide vouchers, not the US/Canada limited that some people are selling these days. Our vouchers will be redeemed in any country's account.

This is a one time stock - these vouchers aren't coming anymore. So if you want to buy, make it fast before the limited stock ends finally. Here goes the details:

Discounted Bulk Packs Prices for these $125 vouchers:

5 Vouchers: $20 Each

10 Vouchers: $19 Each

25 Vouchers: $18 Each

50 Vouchers: $17 Each

100 Vouchers: $16 Each

More than 100 vouchers: Contact Us For Special Prices!!*


82 odgovorov

Tudi jaz bi vzel enega.


Nisem vedel, da to obstaja..
Koliko jih lahko vpišeš v account? Enega ali več?

Štejte tudi mene..


Stej tudi mene, vzamem enea, ce pa jih lahko vec vpisem v star account potem pa vec.


Jst bi tut enega vzel...


pa so to ziher ok kuponi? ker mam kar nekaj slabih izkušenj s temi kuponi. če so ok, potem bi tudi jaz enega


Se pridružujem :)


Tudi jaz :)


Če je stvar preverjeno zanesljiva, bi vzel.


Prvič uporabljam tak kupon, ampak tudi nekateri člani IM so jih prodajali se mi zdi. Glede na to, da je prodajalec na digitalpoint forumu že od leta 2010 in ima 140 pozitivnih feedbackov mislim da ni scamer ;)

Trenutno nas je 11, tako da jih naročimo 10 in tako pride na vsakega 19$. Uporabi se lahko samo 1 kupon na 1 star račun.

Prosim da mi vsi pošljete ZS, lažje sledim (kdor ne more, naj napiše v temi). Zavedati se je treba, da denarja za vas ne bom zalagal, zato mi je potrebno plačati vnaprej na PayPal - tolko dober ugled pa že vrjetno imam na IM, da veste da sem pošten in mi je za zaupat ;)


Ne morem/o ti poslat ZSja zaradi fair algoritma plusov in minusov.