SocialAdNinja: Ad Search 2.0 (beta)
1 naročnik
1 naročnik
Here is what's new:Improved searching and indexing to find more relevant ads.
*Ability to search inside whole URLs. It even finds special characters like ?hop=, ?t202id=, ?id=, kw=...*
*Now you can find ads that have Clickbank footprint, ads that are using prosper 202, etc. Basically, you can take any footprint from 1 ad , put it in search bar, and copy entire ad collection form a particular affiliate or offer.
*Ability to limit your search only to URL or Ad title or Ad body.
*Bigger focus on keyword search and applying demographical filters in the second step via live and responsive interface.
*Faster search results loading.
For more information and screenshots, go here.
*Ne zamerit, ker nisem prevedel, sem samo prilepil iz worda:) Saj znate vsi angleško.