100 dni Agloco

Ste dobili email od agloco....piše da kitajčki pridno delajo toolbar :D

30 odgovorov

loool :) Že dva mesca nategujejo s tem toolbarom.

100 dni = 3 mesece :D

No saj kitajčki bodo hitro tole spedenal skup kot kaže ... potem pa delniceeee :D

Nisem dobil maila, lahko da je šel v spam. Daj ga pokaži.

Js tud ne, drugač pa glede agloco: kad bude bude, če nebude nebude. Ne zgubljam časa z njim, tak da upam da bo kej....

Ekola email

It is now 100 days since AGLOCO went public with its pre-launch plan to become
the Internet’s first Economic Network.

Here is a quick progress report to Members:

Continued growth of the AGLOCO network - February was a record month of new

Members joining (and last week was a record week)

Several enhancements to the AGLOCO website including a Member blog page


Very active company blog site for up to date Member communication


Viewbar software team (now seven engineers in Shanghai) is making steady

progress. - Release of the software will be announced with both an email as well
as a notice on the AGLOCO website.

We would like to thank the Members who have already recruited new Members to
AGLOCO. We have over 50,000 successful recruiters. If you wish to join this
group in building your community, but don’t know where to start, try visiting
the AGLOCO referral Center at http://www.agloco.com/web/guest/referralcenter .

Thanks again for being the most valuable part of your company.

Dan Jorgensen
Member Coordinator

P.S. For those of you wishing to help build the AGLOCO network, here are notes
from a couple of successful AGLOCO recruiters:
http://www.johnchow.com/category/agloco (Popular blogger who has a section about
http://mccallsnotes.spaces.live.com/ (Member who has over 20,000 referrals, many
referral stories and good information)

Dobu mail, čeprov mi je dost vseen kdaj TB vn pride, ker nimam nobenga reffera :D

Sedem inzenirjev ne more tega skupaj spacat? :)

Js tud dobo, prej ko sem rek ga še menda ni blo ne....

Nej ustvarjajo. :P

Zanimivo dejstvo je tudi to, da so dal delat kitajcem... ceneje delovna sila? Vsi o tem koliko bo denarja iz tega Agloca, nakoncu pa dajo zadevo razvijati nekim revežem. 5 pik manj za Agloco z moje strani.

Poleg tega pa je preteklo 100dni od napovedovanja. 10 pik manj

Dobro, da sem samo pol ure namenil temu Aglocu, pa še to je škoda mojega dragocenega časa :P

Itq pa spet ne bomo nikamor prišli, nekateri bomo pljuvali po Aglocu, drugi pa boste za.

Hehe Mac, s koliko pikami so začel?