Facebook uredil račune
16 naročnikov
16 naročnikov
Za vse, ki smo imeli težave z uveljavljanjem FB računov, sedaj lahko dodate informacije o podjetju, skupaj z davčno številko. Samo za informacijo, greste na oglase in nastavitve in imate tam to opcijo.
Da bo vsem lažje, nisem pa še videl kakšen račun potem izda, čakam da mi kaj zaračuna.
43 odgovorov
Meni sedaj noče pokazati zadnjih dveh računov, eden je bil že v bazi preden sem dodal informacije o podjetju, en je nastal včeraj.
Dobim Error code: 28.
Se to dogaja še komu? Poslal ticket in seveda nimam nobenega upanja, da se karkoli zgodi, ali da bi dobil odgovor....
Sam neki.... to kar ti praviš račun, misliš Invoice, na katerem je na vrhu FB podatki & desno tvoji podatki, spodaj pa so izpisane posamezne akcije zadnjih 7 dni?
AL je še kakšen drug?
Ker zdaj mi je uspelo za nazaj te invoice vse naredit s podatki o podjetju.
Evo prisla objava na mejl ... pravijo da bojo racuni ok sele od septembra naprej ...
Based on the information we have about your residence or principal place of business, your ad purchases will be made from our European Headquarters through Facebook Ireland Limited beginning in September 2010. As a result, your purchases may be subject to Irish Value Added Tax ("VAT") which will be automatically added to your purchases. To check or change the information that we have about your residence or principal place of business, please go to the settings page. VAT may then be charged based on the requirements applicable to your revised location.
If you are established or located in Ireland:
Because you are established or located in Ireland, your purchases will be subject to VAT. The appropriate VAT rate will be automatically added to your purchases.
If you are established or located in the EU outside of Ireland:
If you are purchasing ads for a business purpose and your principal place of business is not in Ireland, Irish VAT will not be added to your purchasing costs provided you have supplied us with your VAT registration number (including country prefix) prior to the purchase, but you may be required to self-account for the applicable VAT in your jurisdiction of residence or establishment. For more information about the meaning of business purpose or self assessment, please see the VAT FAQ. If you are not purchasing ads for a business purpose, Irish VAT will be automatically added to your purchases at the appropriate Irish VAT rate.
If you are established or located outside the EU:
Because you are not established within the European Union, these purchases will not be subject to VAT but you may be required to self-account for the applicable VAT in your jurisdiction of residence or establishment.
If you have any questions, please review our VAT FAQ.
The Facebook Ads Team
Kaj pa to pomeni za "kuponarje"? :-) V bistvu verjetno nič, ker itak koristijo tisto stanje iz kupona, nikoli nič ne plačajo, ergo tudi DDV-ja ne?
Glupo vprašanje, vem, ampak računovodstvo pač ni moja stvar.
Torej se moram z računovodkinjo zmenit da dodatno plačujemo davek, glede na to da nisem zavezanec za DDV al kako?