AdWord 100$ coupon
16 naročnikov
16 naročnikov
Attract new customers with a free $100 coupon
Dear Google Analytics user,
You already know that Google Analytics helps you gain rich insights from your website. But did you know that when you combine Google Analytics with Google AdWords search advertising, you can get even more from your website -- more traffic, more qualified visitors and more business. With Google AdWords, you can easily create ads that appear next to relevant search results on Google, and target potential customers at the precise moment they're searching for the products or services you offer.
We invite you to try Google AdWords risk-free with this $100 introductory advertising coupon. Your coupon expires on March 31, 2010.
Key benefits of Google AdWords
Only pay for results: Your ads appear for free, and you only pay when interested users click on your ads and go to your website.
Control your advertising costs: There's no minimum spending requirement, and you can change your daily budget at any time.
Adapt your advertising to changing business needs: Change ads for new products and promotions, and start or stop your campaigns anytime.
View powerful reports: Google Analytics is fully integrated with AdWords, so you'll have easy access to detailed reports that show the effectiveness of your campaigns down to the keyword level.
Redeem your AdWords coupon in just minutes:
Visit and click "Start now" to create your AdWords account.
Log into your AdWords account and simply follow the step-by-step guide to create your first campaign.
Get your $100 credit. Just enter your the following exactly as given: xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxx-xxxx after entering billing information.
To link your Google Analytics and AdWords accounts, follow these simple instructions. Use your linked accounts to better measure your advertising performance and understand how to improve your campaigns.
Your potential customers are searching right now for what you have to offer, so why wait? Get started with your AdWords trial right now!
The Google Analytics Team
Torej to sem spet dobil na email in ne potrebujem.
Začetna cena: 1€
Kupi zdaj: 30€
Zaključi se v sredo 24. 2. 2010 ob 20.00
Plačilo preko pay pal.
V kolikor ne bo zainteresiranih za nakup bom kupon podaril =)
Lep pozdrav
41 odgovorov
Kako se sploh lotit tega? Ok, odpreš nov račun, vneseš drugo kartico, ampak potem ni sumljivo, če oglašuješ spletno stran, ki jo oglašuješ že z drugim accountom?
Al kako?
Meni noben ne odgovori....zgleda da sem ''konkurent'' pri nakupu...verjetno bodo v tej temi le še številke in evro znakci:P
Načeloma je priporočljivo
- uporabiti drug IP (bolje da ni public proxy)
- uporabiti drug browser
- zbrisati FLASH cookije
- ne oglaševati iste strani ali na iste keyworde, sploh pa ne istočasno
Se opravičujem, ker sem malo pozen. Pomoje ne bi smel biti problem, če se dela kot je rekel Jure Damjan. Najboljše bi še verjetno bilo, če se uporablja čist drugi računalnik kot ponavadi.
Še to... če je komu problem plačati z pay palom se lahko zmenimo za nakazilo preko trr