Squidoo Bot
4 naročniki
4 naročniki
Glede na to, da je na forumu veliko squidoo uporabnikov sem razmišljal o izdelavi squidoo bota, ki bi avtomatizirano ustvarjal uporabniške račune, lajkal in komentiral prej nastavljene lense (seveda bi za to uporabljal proxije). Tako bi malo pripomogli k rankingu lensa, uporabniškem levelu in splošni vrednosti backlinkov. Poleg tega dobro uvrščeni lensi tudi nekaj drobiža nanesejo ;)
Ne vem še ali bi storitev bila na client ali server side...
Moje vprašanje pa je, koliko vas bi bilo zainteresirano za nakup orodja ali v drugem primeru zakup storitve za neko minimalno mesečno vsoto (cca 5€/mesec)?
Vini, če tema ni primerna za tole rubriko te prosim, da jo prestaviš :)
5 odgovorov
Nisem še probal :)
* Automatically rate multiple lens using multiple accounts.
* Create accounts almost automatically. The only thing you have to do is to enter the captcha.
I started the creation of this bot for personal use but after a while, I thought it was a nice piece of software, very easy to handle.
Account Creator
The process of creating accounts is almost automatic, the only thing you have to do is to enter the captcha. This section of the bot is optimized for you to create accounts very quickly. After the creation of the account, the details will be automatically placed in the list of logins on the lens rater section.
Lens Rater
Here all you have to do, is to:
- Insert all the login details you want to use.
- Insert all the lenses you want to rate.
- Pick how many starts you want to give.
- Pick the time between each rate.
- Click "rate" and that's it, just give it some time and all will be rated.
Note: The "+" add the details in the text box and the "-" will delete the item selected. The buttons "load" and "save" are pretty obvious and the "clear" will era all the respective list.
System Requirements:
* Windows xp sp2 / Vista /sp1
* Microsoft.NET Framework version 3.5
* Internet connection
* Lenses to rate
* Each copy will cost $15.
* Payments only through paypal.
Other Details:
* Possible updates will be free
* Thinking of adding some more functions in the future
* Any problem, I'll give full support
* If you're not happy with the bot (I hope not), you can ask your money back.
Uuuu... tole bi pa bilo za sprobat. Sicer je pa malce problematična stvar tukaj to, da ne uporablja proxijev, kar bi v mojem primeru bilo vključeno... Pa tudi captcha bi verjetno bila avtomatsko rešljiva...
Jah ce se ti gre samo za rangiranje lahko komot nastepas visitorje kar z dobrim starim scrapeboxom ... samo se bojim, da take stvari izjemno ocitno izstopajo ...