Čudna izmenjava povezav

Pred parimi minutami se prejel zanimiv mail in ta mail je bil poslan na "mojadomena"@protecteddomains.com, ker imam skrite whois podatke o domeni. Sedaj ne vem, ali gre to za še en spam oz. potegavščino ali imajo pa resne namene. Mail je prispel iz enega hotmail računa.


My name is Carol Ann Richards, I represent the adult dating sites SexDatePersonals.com and http://www.hornymatches.com.

We took a look at your site ("moja domena") recently, and we are interested in a link exchange.

Our offer is actually quite interesting, a 3 way link as opposed to a reciprocal link. You link to http://www.hornymatches.com and we link to you on SexDatePersonals.com. We offer the best type of link exchange. Also, SexDatePersonals.com has a very nice directory that we have been building so you are sure to find a category there for your site. If not, please just make your suggestion to us.

Here is our link info:

HornyMatches [hyperlink]
http://www.hornymatches.com [website address]
HornyMatches [description]

Or our html as well
<a href="http://www.hornymatches.com" target="_blank">HornyMatches</a> HornyMatches

Have a great week and I hope that we can do business with you in the very near future.

Carol Ann Richards
SEO Analyst

Vse skupaj mi je čudno, ker imam stran o porokah, oni pa mi pošljejo za izmenjavo z adult stranmi. Je to pristno in lahko zaupam ali bolje da ne?

2 odgovora

dnevno dobim par taksnih ponudb.. sicer so ponavadi iz romunije, rusije, ali pa kaksne eksotike, vendar direkt letijo v trash..

moje mnenje

Verjetno je spam.

3 way linki so boljši od reciprocal linkov., oziroma jih Google težje zazna, da so umetni, ter tako lahko prinesejo večjo težo.

Glede teme so si strani mogoče različne mogoče pa ne... dating, poroke. Noben ne ve, kako ozko ali široko google določa teme.