P: Kupon za FB v vrednosti 50€ (70$)

Naročnik oglasa

Fizična oseba

Ok imam dva kupona za FB v vrednosti 50€ in jih prodam za 20€ :)

Kar pa je najlepše, najprej pošljem kupon, ga aktiviraš, vidiš da dela in šele nato mi ga kupec plača (20€) lahko na paypal kot gift ali po dogovoru.

Navodila za uporabo so standardna evo še u ang. verziji:
To use the coupon codes just follow these simple steps:

1) Create a facebook account if you do not have one already.
2) Login to your facebook account, then click the “Advertising” link from the bottom of the page. Create an ad and later you’ll able to change the daily budget and CPC. You’ll need a credit card here in order to confirm your account, but the charge here is only to confirm space on your account; any temporary hold will be reversed and your advertising will draw from your coupons completely before charging your card.
3) After creating the advertising account and getting the “Congratulations Message”, click “Billing” > Click “Funding Sources” > Click “Enter Coupon Code”
4) Enter the coupon codes one at a time and then checkout.

Terms to Use Coupon

Work Worldwide.
Need Credit card to activate advertising account. There's no activation cost.!! it wont cost you anything, you just need to enter it to confirm that you are new advertiser.
NO prepaid cards, NO virtual cards - you must use your real, bank-issued credit or debit card that fully matches your name & address.>> Your Facebook advertising account needs to be less than 15 days. Only the Advertising Account needs to be less than 15 days old, not your regular Facebook account.
You have 45 days from the day you activate your code to spend your €50/$70.

Dobil sem 3 kode, eno sem že uporabil, pa se mi ne da delat novega fb računa, zato jih prodam za 20€. Če je več ponudnikov prodam tistemu, ki da več, če ne pa izžrebam naključno dva.

Prosim, samo pošteni ;)

5 odgovorov

Oddano v miklavževem stilu :) for free :)


Jaz bi tudi imel :(

Če se mi bo miklavž javil te obvestim na ZS ;)


Če se mi bo miklavž javil te obvestim na ZS ;)

Te držim za besedo :o)

tudi jaz rabim