Danes free na GOTD: SliceMaker PSD v PHP/HTML ...
2 naročnika
2 naročnika
Na giveawayoftheday.com je danes (brezplačen prenos in registracija je možna samo 24 ur) na voljo brezplačen program za razrez PSD/PNG/JPG/GIF v HTML, HTM, ASP, ASP Include File, PHP, PHP Include File, ASPX, ASCX, JSP in JSP Include File.
ps. sam ga ne uporabljam, zato ne morem potrdit kako kodo dela. V opombah na strani sicer piše da je za osebno (nekomercialno) uporabo, mogoče so glede na vrsto programa to generično obvestilo pozabili odstraniti na GOTD, lahko pa jih vprašate - običajno za take programe ni teh omejitev. Program je brezplačen do jutri zjutraj (17/1/2014) do 090.00
*SliceMaker Standard is a website creation tool that helps you create webpages in an easier way than manual coding. SliceMaker Standard supports importing graphic for web design in PSD, PNG, JPG and GIF formats and can help you easily convert the image to HTML, HTM, ASP, ASP Include File, PHP, PHP Include File, ASPX, ASCX, JSP and JSP Include File.
The converted web page can be compatible with IE, FireFox, Chrome, Opera, Maxthon, Netscape navigator and so on. Better still, SliceMaker Standard doesn’t come with predefined set of templates, the created webpage is what you want your graphic for web design look like – Unique and professional.
With SliceMaker Standard, works that once required days to finish can now be done in minutes. If you are troubled by how to create a webpage efficiently, SliceMaker Standard is your best choice.
The program is available for $35.95, but it will be free for our visitors as a time-limited offer.*