Please join Adsense - poslano na banned gmail?!
8 naročnikov
8 naročnikov
se komu morda sanja zakaj bi mi na banned e-mail account (MFA adsense kill victim) poslali email z Google-a v smislu:
*Earn revenue from Google AdSense
This year, Google AdSense celebrates 10 years of helping over 2 million websites succeed. Join today and start earning advertising money from your site.
Join AdSense
As an Analytics user, you know the power of delivering the right website content to your audience at the right time. With Google AdSense, you can earn incremental revenue from your website by showing engaging ads that are relevant to your visitors.***Je možno, da je kak bann lifted? Al pač randomly pošiljajo folku in ne gledajo morebitnih black-list ipd?
Je še kdo srečal s podobno zadevo? Hvala za info.
Lp, Buyseech**
11 odgovorov
Tudi jaz sem pred dnevi dobil ta email, čeprav aktivno uporabljam in služim denar z Adsensom že kakih 6 let. Treba bo prijavit Google ker spammajo vsepovprek :)