WP to twitter

morda ve kdo zakaj mi plugin ne dela... Sem povezal vse kakor pise nastavil permission na read and write probal resetirat keye... in nič

Dobim tale error:
One or more of your last posts has failed to send it's status update to Twitter. Your Tweet has been saved in your post custom fields, and you can re-Tweet it at your leisure.

401 Unauthorized: Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect.

6 odgovorov

Če imaš plugin "WP to Twitter" in ti kaže to napako je OK.
Saj pri meni je OK

Ja sam ko objavim post pa ga ne da na twitter..

Si na twitter.com uredil read/write?

Read wrtie sem nastavil samo ob ustvarjanju aplikacije, je treba se kje?

bom malo pogledal, ti javim

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