Podvojena vsebina na isti strani


to da imam na dveh različnih straneh enako vsebino, in da bom moral zaradi boljše pozicije na Googl-u spremeniti tekste mi je jasno. Na to temo ste mi pomagali.

Zanima pa me kako je če se mi na spletni trgovini ponavljajo enaki teksti (opisi) pod različnimi izdelki. Ali je bolje, da ima vsak izdelek svoj unikaten opis?



3 odgovori

Vsekakor je bolje, da ima vsak izdelek unikaten opis.


Evo kaj pravi naš prijatelj o tem :

Matt Cutts:It is still not a good idea to repeat a ton of content over and over again.

Eric Enge:What should they put on those pages then?

Matt Cutts:In addition to address and contact information, 2 or 3 sentences about what is unique to that location and they should be fine.

Eric Enge:That won’t be seen as thin content?

Matt Cutts:No, something like that should be fine.

More Yo! http://www.markrushworth.com/revelation-matt-cutts-thin-content/ - See more at: http://www.markrushworth.com/revelation-matt-cutts-thin-content/#sthash.EMB2Yegh.dpuf


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