Yes, Google je priznal Montenegro!

Dear AdWords Advertiser,

To reflect real-world borders of Serbia and Montenegro, we’re splitting Serbia Montenegro into two location targets.

One or more of your campaigns is targeting Serbia Montenegro.

● Starting on 10/24/2012 we will be deleting Serbia Montenegro as a location target in your campaigns and we will add Serbia and Montenegro as separate location targets to the same campaigns.
● We recommend that you monitor your campaign’s traffic during the migration, and adjust campaign settings as appropriate to optimize your performance in each country.

Jebemtish a? To je skor tako, kot da te Vatikan prizna!

4 odgovori

Status ob 23:41
Na forumu so 4 Črnogorci in 1 Srb

Je bil že čas, da tole ločijo ME ni tako majhen geo 600k ljudi, 100k bmwjev.


In kakor kaže, je Montenegro bolj uspešen v nogometu kakor pa Serbia....nč jasn.

Hanyo saj to je isto :)

Je bil že čas, da tole ločijo ME ni tako majhen geo 600k ljudi, 100k bmwjev.

S slovenskimi tablicami? ;)

Paypal pa jih kljub številnim obljubam očitno še vedno ne prepozna... :(