Guide to tiered linkbuilding
2 naročnika
2 naročnika
Med brskanjem po SEO forumih sem odkril eno res zanimivo zadevo, in sicer detajlni sklop videov kako se nekdo iz SEO stroke na profesionalen način loteva linkbuildinga tudi za težje niše.
Predlagam ogled vsaj prvih treh filmčkov, ker se mi zdi, da se marsikdo zna iz tega dosti uporabnega naučit. Kar je zanimivo je predvsem to, da je bilo releasano avgusta 2012, kar pomeni da je strategija post-penguin in deluje.
Pove vso svojo logiko glede kvalitetnih kriterijev za tier 1 sloj, ter nas čez ramo vodi skozi sistematični pol-avtomatizirani proces, prav tako pove kateri softver uporablja itd. Ampak še bolj si velja zapomnit predvsem glavno poanto in princip pri njegovem linkbuildingu in njegova unique SEO opažanja.
Matthew Woodward's guide to tiered link building
Skratka, tud profiji boste s tega potegnili kako koristno informacijo. Je pa verjetno dovolj razumljivo in po alinejah razloženo, da lahko vsakdo razume.
Delim, ker ima ta forum raztresene delčke informacij, nikjer pa nisem zasledil nobenega comprehensive (advanced) vodiča.
3 odgovori
Thanks for sharing my tutorial - I'm happy to answer any questions you have :)
I used Google Translate to translate the post above so I will do my best to answer any questions in both english and slovenian.
Hope you enjoy it!
Hvala za delitev svoje vaje - sem z veseljem odgovoril na vsa vprašanja, ki jih imajo :)
Včasih sem Google Translate za prevajanje post zgoraj, tako da bom po svojih najboljših močeh, da odgovori na vsa vprašanja v angleščini in slovenščini.
Upam, da boste uživali!
Hey Matt!
First of all I would like to thank you for taking your time to register here and answer our questions.
Now, you mentioned that you recommend no junk content for 1 tier links. Which is totally understandable for spam blog comments, crap article directory submissions and the like as they would get insta-deleted. But what about web 2.0 blogs we open for this purpose... what exactly is the issue here? Manual reviews from Google? Seems rather unlikely to me. Or perhaps manual reviews from the blog provider? That seems much more likely. But what if we mix the crap submissions with copy-pasted articles from Ezinearticles or stuff like that? That would make our web 2.0 property a bit less likely to be removed, am I correct? Or scratch that. What if we ONLY used purely duplicated, copy-pasted content on our blogs... perhaps auto-spin it a bit with the lowest settings to make it a bit more unique. Would that do or have I completely missed the point?
Anyway I would appreciate it if you shed some light on this for us.
Hey Matt!First of all I would like to thank you for taking your time to register here and answer our questions.
Now, you mentioned that you recommend no junk content for 1 tier links. Which is totally understandable for spam blog comments, crap article directory submissions and the like as they would get insta-deleted. But what about web 2.0 blogs we open for this purpose... what exactly is the issue here? Manual reviews from Google? Seems rather unlikely to me. Or perhaps manual reviews from the blog provider? That seems much more likely. But what if we mix the crap submissions with copy-pasted articles from Ezinearticles or stuff like that? That would make our web 2.0 property a bit less likely to be removed, am I correct? Or scratch that. What if we ONLY used purely duplicated, copy-pasted content on our blogs... perhaps auto-spin it a bit with the lowest settings to make it a bit more unique. Would that do or have I completely missed the point?
Anyway I would appreciate it if you shed some light on this for us.
No worrys - took me a while to work out how to login just :P
When ranking my sites I dont just rank them for the current algo, I try to rank them with the next few years in mind.
I want my tier 1 link profile to-
Pass human moderation if it needs to
Be made up of readable quality content
Have the ability to remove links if needed
Go over and above what other people are doing
By focusing on increased quality of the tier 1 links you can achieve all of those things which goes far beyond what most people are doing and in essence will help seperate you from the low quality stuff that Google targets in its updates.
I'm not saying that copying articles from your money site auto spinning them and using that to build links with doesn't work - I have had great success ranking sites purely by syndicating articles (no spinning at all) but I want my sites to rank just as well next year as they do now.
Taking the extra time that is required to raise the quality bar can only help :) It certainly can't hurt.