SEO checklist


ima mogoče kdo seznam stvari katere je potrebno upoštevati pri razvoju nove strani iz 0.

S kolegom sva se odločila, da bova sprogramirala stran iz 0 in bi rad stran postavu po nekih SEO smernicah.. Gre pa za stran:

Hvala, S

9 odgovorov

Tole je kvaliteten članek, ki je sicer namenjen za spletne trgovine, in našteva 20 pomembnih stvari, ki jih mora vsaka imeti, pa mislim da lahko veliko potegneš ven.


Tole je kvaliteten članek, ki je sicer namenjen za spletne trgovine, in našteva 20 pomembnih stvari, ki jih mora vsaka imeti, pa mislim da lahko veliko potegneš ven.

Super članek thnx!

Evo bom dal kar svoj checklist, ki ga uporabljam.
Uporabljam pri analizi optimizacije spletne strani.
Ni nobenega copyrighta, sem samo "ukradel" znanja od tistih, ki to znajo,
ter ga implementiral.
Step 1: Perform a Screaming Frog crawl on the website
Open Screaming Frog, enter URL and click Start
Export to Excel.

Step 2: Google Webmaster Tools and Analytics
Is the website registered on Google Webmaster Tools?
Is the website using Google Analytics?

Step 3: Keywords
What title tags, meta description, and meta keywords is website trying to rank for?
Compare it with Google analytics keyword data.
Take the keywords out of those 2 areas and enter them into Google Keyword Tool to see additional keywords that you can target.
- Focus on local searches
- Don't go after competitive keywords

Step 4: URLs
Is your URL static?
Is the length of an URL under 100 characters?
Are your URL user friendly?

Step #5: Title Tags
Is the title tag roughly 50-65 characters in length?
Are the title tags unique (no duplicate tags)?
Is the keyword used twice (once at the start, followed by a separator, colon, hyphen, or pipe, and then once again in a call to action)
Optional (Did you used geo qualifier)

Step #6: Meta descriptions
Is the description unique and relevant to that page?
Are they written as a descriptive ad text, with a call to action.
Is it between 51 and 160 characters in length (140-150 is ideal)
Does it contain 1-2 complete sentences with correct punctuation, and no more than 5 commas.
Does it have one keyword per sentence, as close to the start of each sentence as possible.
Do you have geo-qualifier

Step #7: Meta keywords tag (You don't need it)

Step #8: Headings
Does each page have H1 tag, at the beginning of the page?
Text only?
Do you have a keyword of a page used in the H1 tag? In at least half of the total heading tags on a page.
Paragraph not longer than 5 lines of text? Subheading or an image every 2-3 paragraphs?

Step #9: Content
At least 300 words of content? 400-600 words of unique content?

Step #10: Internal linking
The more you link within your own site, when relevant, the easier it will be for SE to crawl your whole site.
Less than 100 links on a page?
Avoid using rich anchor text all the time. Use "click here" or "learn more"
At least 2-3 internal links.
Only use rich anchor text 10-30% of the time for internal links.

Step #11: Image text and alt text
Every image has an ALT tag?
Image file name has descriptive words (keyword)?
A linked image should look like this:
<a href=””><img src=”” alt=”Describe the Image and use a keyword if relevant” /></a>

Step #12: Nofollow
Do you have nofollow tags on blog comments, site-wide external links, internal links pointing to low quality or otherwise user-worthless pages.

Step #13: Page exclusions
Do you have pages with little to no content or duplicate content?

Step #14: Page inclusions
Is the sitemap submitted to Webmaster Tools?

Step #15: URL redirects
302 redirects should never be used.
Any page that changes URLs or is deleted needs a 301 permanent redirect

Step #16 Duplicate content
Fix the URL structure of the site to eliminate accidental duplicate content coming from URL issues,
Re-write all duplicate text content to make it unique.
301 redirect the duplicate content to one canonical page/site, if it is in your control
Implement the rel="canonical" to identify the original source/root page to search engines.
<link rel=”canonical” href=”” />

Step #17: Broken links
Check the broken links with
Check with Google Webmaster Tools

Step #18: Code validation
Double check your website with W3C -

Step #19: Page load speed
Test website speed with
Browser caching enabled?
CSS sprites for images where possible?
Reduce the image file sizes for images that can't be spirited.
Reduce the total number of CSS and JS files by combining them into fewer files.
Minimize the file sizes by using compression and minification where feasible.
CDN for your images?
W3 Total Cache for Wordpress.

Step #20: Inbound links
Go to and get a great overview of your inbound links.
Inbound links pointing to non-homepage pages as well?
Authorative links like guest blog posts and press mentions.
Diversify your links.

Step #21: Authority and trust
Domain Authority between 40-70? (

Step #22: Social media mentions
1. Consider the following 2 things:
Make it easy for people to share your content socially, by integrating sharing features throughout your website, blog posts, etc.
2. Create content that is worthy of sharing, and ask for feedback.
Find how many shares or tweets a website has

Step #23: Competitive link analysis


nisem poznal screamingfrog .. a je koristen v lite verziji ?

Ja, ker dobiš vse v .csv datoteki, kjer lahko filtriraš in analiziraš v excelu.
Huge time saver :)


vidim , hvala za tole , provizija v + nakazana ....



Sam uporabljam kar add-on za SEO verifikacijo. Tako, da ti se izpiše seznam in kljukice kaj bi bilo fajn še narediti. Če uporablja FireFox poglej in pobrskaj saj jih je veliko - preveri kateri tebi najbolj ustreza.

thanks! obema za te tipe..

thanks! obema za te tipe..

Osebno imam raje pupe.