13 naročnikov
13 naročnikov
Ok vem da že obstajajo teme na Amazon ampak sledeče nisem zasledil.
Torej ... danes nekje v jutranjih urah po poitem prve kofeju sem prejel mail z neverjen ponudbo.
Lahko prodajaš preko Amazona pa še stika nimaš z dobaviteljem ... aja pa tudi pakirat ti ni treba.
Ker ne zaupam temu najobl hočem izvedeti iz prve roke če kdo izmed vas forumašev to uporablja in če se seveda splača sploh ter kako je z davki ipd.
26 odgovorov
Če je pantarei zadaj, 2x premislit :) ... tam ni zlato, kar se sveti ... :/
Dobil isti mail. Se prijaviš in dobivaš nekaj tednov navodila. Dajo pa vtis, da boš dobil takoj dostop.
FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) ni natega, ni pa tako lahko kot piše v članku, je en kup hakelcev ki ti pojejo maržo (seveda je predpogoj da imaš z kitajci vse 110 % preverjeno in urejeno še predno sploh kontaktiraš Amazon). Amazon FBA in je v veliko primerih predpogoj če hočeš imeti "Buy button".
Se pravi če na hitro povzamem.
Tadva tipa ki sta ''razvila'' ta program ga pošljeta brezplačno potem pa morš verjetno plačevati licenco.
Me pa resno zanima kako sta tadva slovenca naredila toliko prometa/profita - me zanima njun feedback in upam da ga bo mogoče videt.
nisi razumel ... ni tle nobenega progama in onadva nista nič razvila .... preberi link ....
Prebral pogledal tudi oba videa - ker sem pač firbec za take zadeve.
Kolikor sem zastopil ti onadva pošljeta software (ko je pač tisti posebni dan v mesecu ki ga ne smeš zamudit ... ) in ti ta software potem priporoča najbolše nakupe za tebe.
Vsaj tako sem jaz zastopil lahko da se motim in si drugače razlagam kot ostali :)
Jaz imam njihov prejšnji tečaj Amazing in tisti tečaj je vseboval user grupo, kjer so si izmenjavali pozitivne reviewje na Amazonu. Pozitivni reviewji so glavni rangirni faktor pri Amazonu.
Pač še en trening na temo Amazon FBA. Tokrat pač v slovenščini za slovence. Verjamem da so v angleščini dosti boljši tutoriali.
Nisem se ravno prijavil, ampak predvidevam da jim gre samo za zaslužek. Dva slovenca z dvema otrokoma, in redno službo še zraven dobita 15 jurjev prihodkov. Ja seveda. Saj ne da ni nemogoče, ampak tak so se včasih začela vsa "sales pages"
Priporočam pa spremljanje na to temo. (zakon link)
Na hitro, prodajaš prek Amazon s tem da oni skrbijo za shipping, handling, zaloga, customer support, seveda plačaš določen fee na vse to.
Ni nikakršen nateg, samo Amazon ima zelo stroga pravila kar se tiče prodaje, če misliš prodajati izdelke iz Alibabe ti svetujem da najdeš nekaj kjer je čim manj elektronike = manj problemov s strankami itd.
Zdravo a mi lahko pomaga kdo prosim, ker nevem kaj naj...
Kaj moram naredit?
Dear Associate,
We have an important update for you regarding the Amazon Product Advertising API.
Certificate Authorities (CAs) and companies such as Google and Microsoft are retiring support for SHA1 as a hashing algorithm used to sign SSL/TLS certificates (for more information, please read the CA/Browser Forum post). Because of this, the Amazon Product Advertising API will also be retiring use of SHA1 for digital signatures in SSL/TLS certificates and will be upgrading to SHA256 by October 09, 2015. This means that customers accessing the Product Advertising API via HTTPS will need to make sure they’re using the latest certificate bundles on their client machines.
The questions below should help you ensure you’re ready when we switch to SHA256:
- What action do I need to take?
You need to verify if your applications are compatible with our new certificate. Simply run an API request to one of the following testing endpoints:
If you are able to run the request successfully, your software is compatible with our new certificates.
- I was able to get a successful response using the testing endpoint. What do I do now?
Nothing! If your application was able to get a successful response using the testing endpoint, then you will be able to access the API even after the SHA256 migration.
- I was unable to get a response using the testing endpoint. What do I do now?
If you were unable to get a response using the testing endpoint, then you will have to ensure you are using more recent libraries of the programming/scripting language to access the API. For compatibility, the client libraries will require the following:
Java: Requires JDK 1.6.0_19 or later.
PHP: Requires OpenSSL 0.9.8o or later.
C#: No change.You can update the certificate bundle in your browser simply by updating your browser. Instructions for the most common browsers can be found on the browsers’ websites: Chrome, FireFox, and Safari. Certificate bundles for Internet Explorer are managed by the Windows OS, so ensure that you update the OS as well.
If you need development support beyond the above suggestions, please post your questions to the Product Advertising API forum under the Advisory: Product Advertising API to switch to SHA256 Hash Algorithm thread. Many experienced members of the Amazon Associates program regularly participate in the forums.
- Do I need to update the endpoint for accessing Product Advertising API to the above listed endpoints?
No, the listed endpoints are only for testing purposes and will be discontinued post migration.
- By when do I need to make the change/ update?
You can do this change at any time on or before October 09, 2015. Any changes you make will be compatible with our existing URL(s).
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
The Amazon Product Advertising API team.
Ko kliknem na tisti link mi napise bad request...
To se nanaša na Amazonov API, na katerega se po novem povezuješ samo z SHA256 SSL enkripcijo. Če zadeve, ki se povezuje na njihov API ne gostuješ na kakšnem starem ali nevzdrževanem strežniku, se nimaš kaj bati.