.co.uk ali .uk

Če bi rad registriral domeno za ang trg, katero naj registriram oz. katera naj bo primarna (katero naj bo uradno ime strani) ?

5 odgovorov

.co.uk - naj bo primarna. Vse velke firme v UK imajo tako:



Ni debate.

če pa bi že samo eno pa co.uk, ker angleži še niso ravno prevzel za svojo .uk


A ni tako, da moraš imeti registrirano podjetje v UK za domeno .co.uk?

Ni tega pogoja

Tuki so pravila

A .UK domain name may be Registered for 1 to 10 years.

The maximum length of a .UK domain name is 64 characters (including the extension).

The minimum length depends upon the extension under which the domain name is being registered:

under .CO.UK/.ME.UK extensions - 6 characters (including the extension)

under .ORG.UK extension - 7 characters (including the extension)

Allowed characters (excluding the extension):

The domain name may consist of only the following: a - z, 0 - 9 and hyphen (-).

The domain name may not have a hyphen as the first and/or last character as well as the third and fourth character (simultaneously).

The domain name may not consist of only 2 letters; however, it may have a letter and a number or 2 numbers.


Registration for ab.co.uk is not allowed whereas Registration of 1c.co.uk or 23.co.uk is permitted.

The domain name may not be identical to any existing Second Level extension (CO, LTD, ME, NET, ORG, PLC, AC, GOV, MOD, MIL, NHS, POLICE, NIC, SCH) or any Second Level extension under .UK the creation of which has formally been announced by the .UK Registry. For example, Registration of org.co.uk or nhs.org.uk is not permitted.

The domain name may not be identical to any existing Top Level extension (COM, NET, UK, EU, etc.) or any Top Level extension the formal approval of which has been announced by ICANN (the regulatory body overseeing the functioning of the Internet). For example, Registration of com.co.uk or eu.org.uk is not allowed.

.UK Registry follows a grandfathering process for names registered in the 2nd Level extension.

If a 3rd Level .UK domain name is registered before June 10, 2014, 0800 UTC, then the corresponding .UK domain name can only be registered by the Registrant of the 3rd Level .UK domain name. 1

As per the grandfathering process, if .CO.UK, .ORG.UK and .ME.UK were all registered (by different people), the .CO.UK owner will have first rights on the corresponding .UK domain name. If .CO.UK wasn't registered, the .ORG.UK owner gets preference over the .ME.UK owner.

While registering a 2nd Level .UK domain name for which the corresponding 3rd Level .UK name already exists, the applicant needs to provide complete Contact information of the 3rd Level name.

If the 3rd Level .UK domain name is registered under ResellerClub, the application will be authenticated by our system.

If the 3rd Level .UK domain name is registered under some other Registrar, the .UK Registry will conduct verification by sending an email to the 3rd Level .UK Registrant. If the verification is not completed within 7 days, the application will be cancelled.

Na godaddyju sem registriral domeno .co.uk, na računu mi pa sedaj kaže tko:

.UK (.CO.UK) Domain Registration

Kaj to pomeni, imam registrirane obe oz zakaj tako piše?

Kakšni so odzivi na .uk domeno? Bo .co.uk ostala glavna ali bo ta postala glavna?
Naj naredim stran (glede na to, da bo nova) na .co.uk domeni ali na .uk domeni? - ko je enkrat stran narejena, zaradi seota tega ne bi več spreminjal....