Spet nov google update - exact match domene
35 naročnikov
35 naročnikov
Minor weather report: small upcoming Google algo change will reduce low-quality "exact-match" domains in search results.
Google se je spravil še na exact match domene.
67 odgovorov
Gre za stran z glasbeno vsebino (glasbene novičke, galerije partiji ...). Očitno bo treba posodobit onsite optimizacijo.
Meni se vsaj v Sloveniji pozna tudi do 50% padca vedno med prazniki, počitnicami in sončnimi dnevi ko se začne pomlad :)
In Exact Match domain, Google has punished those websites which have low quality, same domain name similar to targeting keyword in domain and domain age is less. One more thing I want to say that if any domain has 5 to 10 year old (trusted website) and domain authority is good whether website has same keyword of domain are not hit or punish in ranking as well as traffic in EMD update.
Point je, da EMD ni PREVEČ optimizirana, mora imeti tudi elemente in vsebino navadnih page-ov. Članek na http://source-wave.com/google-emd-update/ to problematiko zanimivo opiše. Najbolj zanimiv del mi je:
On Page Reward Triggers and Penalty Avoidance
On top of this there are many things that sites that survived had and sites that died lacked. Here a laundry list of them
Sites that had these were not penalized
-Youtube videos on the page
- 3+ pictures
-Were not in blog format (not all blogs got hit, but making blog style sites is just asking for it now)
-Proper usage of h1, h2, and h3 fonts
-Cloaked affiliate links. This means their is a redirect placed on links. There are several ways to do this. I just download a 301 redirect plug in, place a redirect on a page, and link to that page.
–Links to authority sites. For example if I am in a health niche I link to medicine.net and what not
-Less than 2% keyword density
-Intelligent internal linking. Page A links to B. B links to C. C links to A.
-10 + pages
Zanimivo, imam domeno dostavacvetja.net, pa sem še vedno rangiran na prvem mestu kljub močni konkurenci. Izgleda da če imaš exact match domeno, keywordse v Urlju in v meta description te še vedno uvršča na prvo mesto! torej ni vse tako kot pravi Google..:)