18 naročnikov
18 naročnikov
241 odgovorov
https://www.udemy.com/csharp-from-scratch/?couponCode=GIFT ( sicer je arabski učitelj, a res dober tečaj!)
Tele spodaj so sicer free (zaenkrat ne rabite niti kupona) a jih je škoda zamuditi:
https://www.udemy.com/juniper-basics (network, podobno ciscotu !)
katere predlagam ? tiste ki ti najhireje prinsesejo denar (večinoma indirektno, tako da ti skrajšajo postopke ki jih delaš vsak dan ... lep primer so excell tečaji .... na račun par postopkov ki sem jih pobral iz tečajev sigurno zaslužim dan časa / mesec .... pa nisem bil ravno amater za exell .... a manupulacije texta in scrapping znotraj excella nisem poznal ... vsaj ne v taki meri ... zame je bil to program za računat ... sedaj pa je najboljši program za text :)
lej ... v prav vsakem sem našel vsaj eno pametno idejo ... z drugimi besedami nisem še imel občutka da bi popolnoma zgubil čas ki sem ga vložil .... se pa % koristi seveda razlikuje ...
... katere sem končal pa lahko vidiš (vsaj nekatere) na moji Linkedinn strani ..
evo tole sem že enkrat obljavil v drugi temi, kako se jaz prebijam čez to množico tečajev :
bistvo free kuponov na Udemay je v tem, da "mora" vsak začetnik na Udemay-u (preden prične kasirati kak omemmbe vreden znesek) vsaj 1000 kuponov razdeliti free, da dobi kritično maso in nato prične prodajati/služiti na podlagi pridobljenih reviewev (=social proof).
Zato je smiselno tak tečaj "rezervirati" ko je še na začetku (po interni statistiki 2/3 udeležencev povprečnega tečaja ga je vzelo na zalogo in ni niti pričelo z ogledom prve lekcije) in je free ter kasneje "dosmrtno" spremljati nove vsebine v tem tečaju (recimo nekaj tečajev, ki jih spremljam prireja tedenske live Q/A webinarje in njihove posnetke objavi v sklopu tečaja) .... seveda pa je tretjina tečajev ali slabih, ali preosnovnih ali pa "upsel" honypot sistemov ...
btw. eden od meni najkoristnejših tečajev dosedaj je bil od Indijca, in lahko si predstavljate kako težko je bilo slediti njegovi hitri "hindu" angleščini ... a dejstva in postopki , ki jih je predstavil na slajdih so odtehtala trud ...
Kako pregledati vso to solato ?
Auto download na mobitel z Udemy aplikacijo na 32 gb SD kartico, nato z tipko (na slušalkah) FF vse to med recimo košenjem trave, ali ob spremljanju žene po sobotnih nakupih in posledično kar naenkrat postati potrpežljiv in razumevajoč ... tistih 10 % tečajev, ki vas pritegnejo pa pogledat na desktopu.
seveda pa zgoraj napisano ne velja za Udemy avtorje kalibra Guy Kawasaki in Seth Godin. Take nima smisla čakati free, ker oni pač ne rabijo social proofa ;)
recimo tale bo sigurno koristen:
Excel 2013 Macros: Automate Your Excel Workload
Learn how to use the power of Excel Macros to automate and reduce you Excel workload to almost nothing!
Coupon Details
Lectures 16
Video 2 Hours
Skill level beginner level
Languages English
Includes Lifetime access
30 day money back guarantee!
Available on iOS and Android
Certificate of Completion
Learn how to use the power of Excel Macros to automate and reduce you Excel workload to almost nothing!
The price of $149 is good until July 10th 2015, at which point I will increase the price to $199 and add more content that I’m currently working on. Get the course while it’s still cheap by enrolling now.
If you already you Excel, you know how repetitive and time consuming some tasks can be. This course is designed to teach you how to take those repetitive and time consuming Excel tasks, and make them happen in a click of a button! If you use Excel a lot in you work, this course is essential; it will reduce you workload significantly.
In this course you will learn:
What macros are and why you should use them.
How to read and edit Visual Basic for Application code, and quickly edit macros.
How to make conditional macros that work in a variety of situations.
How to create macros that apply effects dynamically to large sets of Excel data.
How to save enormous amounts of time by automating your Excel work.
Much more – I will be updating this course regularly for the next year with free content!
In addition to the video courses and exercise files, you will have access to me! Come visit me during my office hours on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 10am – 12pm EST. This will give you a chance to ask any questions that you may have, or just stop by to say hello! All you have to do is go to the discussion section of the course and post whatever you’d like me to see.
Python for Beginners: Learn Python from Scratch
Lectures 81
Video 4 Hours
Main topics to be introduced in this course as follows:
Start coding with Python
Variables And Identifiers In Python
Introduction To Standard Types In Python
Getting User Input And Type Casting
Basic Operations In Python
Making Decisions ? if-elif-else
More Operations
Affiliate/CPA Marketing: Proven How I Make $10,000+ A Month!
Lectures 98
Video 20 Hours
What Will You Learn From This Course About ( Affiliate – MARKETING )
You Will Learn Solid Fundamentals For How to do Affiliate Marketing!
You Will be Able to Get Started With Affiliate Marketing.
You Will Know How to Make Money With Affiliate Marketing.
In This Course You Will Learn the Exact Formula You Will Use to Drive Laser-Targeted Traffic to Your Affiliate Links and Offers!
You Will Know Exactly How to Set up These Traffic Funnels to Quickly Create Passive Income Streams that Generate Huge Payouts Month After Month!
Learn the Difference of CPA, CPC and Other Kinds of Affiliate Marketing.
Research and Join Affiliate Programs.
Brainstorm and Perform Keyword Research.
Convert More Affiliate Marketing Sales.
Build yourself up as an Authority in Your Topic/Niche.
Start an Affiliate Marketing Business to Build Passive Income.
Use Advanced Affiliate Marketing Strategies to Make a Passive Income.
It Will Also Show You the Tools and Give You the Information to go Take Action With Online Advertising and Get Results
What Will You Learn From This Course About ( CPA – MARKETING )
The Mindset You Need To Be Successful and Make Money Online
How to Identify the Best CPA Networks
How to Get Accepted into the Best CPA Networks EVERY TIME
How to Choose the MOST PROFITABLE CPA Offers
How to Choose the Right Keywords and Domains for your Offers
How to Drive an UNLIMITED Amount of Traffic to your CPA Offers
Free & Paid Traffic Generation Methods
Exclusive VIP Training that will Generate You Thousands Per Month!
Teach You How to Earn Massive Profits with CPA Marketing
How to Choose the MOST PROFITABLE CPA Offer to Promote
Teach You the Mindset You Need To Be Successful Online
How to Drive Massive Traffic to Your CPA Offers with FREE and Paid Traffic
Show You an Exclusive CPA Offer that Converts Year Round
Lectures 108
Video 10 Hours
Skill level all level
Languages English
Includes Lifetime access
30 day money back guarantee!
Available on iOS and Android
Certificate of Completion
How to look your best on camera, shape a media message, answer questions and speak in sound bites.This course is for any expert or business person who has to face the news media. You will learn how to look comfortable, confident and relaxed on camera, how to create a simple, 3-part message, how to answer questions in a strategic manner and how to create and speak in sound bites. Caution, you need to be willing to video record and review yourself speaking on camera or you won’t benefit from this course.
[Attention: You need to purchase the source code from the developer before taking this course. Make sure you have it prior to study this course extensively.]
Video 1 Hours
Skill level beginner level
Languages English
Includes Lifetime access
30 day money back guarantee!
Available on iOS and Android
Certificate of Completion
Using Chrome developer tools to your advantage: for the newbie!
The Chrome Developer Tools (DevTools for short), are a set web authoring and debugging tools built into Google Chrome. The DevTools provide web developers deep access into the internals of the browser and their web application. This overview of the DevTools points out the most popular and useful features. If you haven’t used the DevTools before, start here. Even if you’re an experienced web developer, you might pick up some tips.
Dog Training - Stop Dog Attacks
Coupon Details
Lectures 14
Video 2 Hours
Skill level all level
Languages English
Includes Lifetime access
30 day money back guarantee!
Available on iOS and Android
Certificate of Completion
Learn dog training methods that integrate dogs who are dog aggressive, learn the ‘warning’ signs and prevent dog attacks
** Over 980 students have already enrolled in this ‘ Dog Training – Stop Dog Attacks & Aggressive Behavior’ course – and have left 5, full 5 Star ecstatic reviews.**
LATEST: Course Fully Updated For June 2015
Please Note: All students to my “Dog Training – Be A Dog Trainer & Have Your Dream Job” course here on Udemy get full access to this course for free!
You’ll learn simple dog training methods that integrate dogs who are aggressive with other dogs, be able to recognize dominant and submissive signals and prevent attacks from happening.
Learn the Simple, Clear, Concise Communication And Dog Training Methods Which Dogs Love that Stops:
Dog aggression with other dogs.
Dominant and challenging behaviour.
Lunging, growling and barking.
Dog attacks.
You Can Teach Old Dogs New tricks, And Young Ones Too With These Dog Training Methods.
Dogs live in the present moment which means when given the right information their behaviour changes fast, even if they’ve been behaving a certain way for a long time.
Once you’ve learned what dogs are looking for and know what dog training methods work you’ll know what to do for life. Dogs speak the same language regardless of age or breed. The dog training methods you’ll learn will work with your dog, your friend’s and family’s dogs and any other future dogs you may get.
Dogs are not like computers they do not require constant updates or need to have new programs developed, once you know what to do you’ve got it!
What You’ll Get From This Dog Training Course.
This dog training course is designed for any dog owner, regardless of their experience, who would like help with their dog’s aggressive behaviour towards other dogs. This could be ‘dominant aggression’ where dogs charge at other dogs with intent to harm, ‘fearful aggression’ where dogs lunge, bark and show teeth but then go backwards and try to avoid conflict, or dogs who simply snap as if to say ‘get out of my personal space.’
The course focuses on empowering you, the dog owner. You’re given the tools, knowledge and dog training methods in order to get your dog to listen to you and respond favourably to what you say. You’re shown exactly how to do this through step-by-step video demonstrations using the pack leader theory combined with positive reinforcement techniques.
You’ll learn how to recognize dominant and submissive signals so that you can avoid a potential dog attack from happening, dog training techniques that integrate aggressive dogs with other dogs as well as the crucial part you play in your dog’s aggressive behaviour – when you are nervous and fearful of what might happen you are transferring that anxiety to your dog and setting yourself up for what you don’t want to happen! I show you how to create good expectations instead.
You’ll also find out why getting your dog to walk by your side first is vital to your success and step-by-step video demonstrations of how to do this.
You’ll also learn dog training methods that will convince your dog, in a kind and confident way, that you are in charge, the one that is making all the decisions and that it is not their job to protect you.
You’ll discover why dogs attack some dogs and are fine with others, why some dogs are ‘picked on’ and why some dogs don’t like black dogs. As well as why some dogs don’t like certain breeds, why some dogs don’t like dogs that have not been neutered and why some dogs are aggressive on the leash and are good-natured when off the leash.
By the end of this dog training course you’ll have the knowledge and confidence you need to make a positive difference to your dog’s aggressive behaviour. You’ll also know how you can become your dog’s Pack Leader without shouting, hitting or using force in this area. As well as confirmation of where you are already doing things right and suggestions where some ‘fine tuning’ may be beneficial.
Imagine going on a walk feeling calm and confident with your dog responding f