




241 odgovorov

Paid Ads & PPC - How To Run Google Facebook & Bing Ads

What am I going to get from this course?

Over 23 lectures and 4 hours of content!
Know how to create Pay Per Click ad campaigns using Google AdWords.
Know how to create Pay Per Click ad campaigns using the Facebook Ad platform.
Know how to create Pay Per Click ad campaigns using Microsoft Ad Network, which services Yahoo and Bing search engines.
Understand the top paid advertising opportunities and where each fits their business.
Know the terminology and fundamentals of the PPC advertising world.
Be able to run and manage your own PPC ad campaigns


Build A Free Intranet For Project Management - Google Sites


free tečajev ne postam, ampak tale je izjema :)



Najprej zahvala 1qay1qay za mail listo in 15 poslanih mailov na dnevni bazi. Sedaj sem že na točki, da lahko povem malo bolj objektivno glede udemaya. Ideja in zasnova je top, glede same kvalitete coursov (oziroma avtorjev) pa je nekoliko vprašljiva.

Malo me moti, da sem pogledal že kar nekaj coursov in od določenih nisem izvedel čisto nič novega, sem pa zabil urco/dve za brezveze. Naslovi so velikokrat popolnoma zavajajoči (24kur style) in določeni coursi niso nič drugega kot pa čista osnova.

Recimo Facebook Advertising 2015: Get Targeted TRAFFIC For Pennies, je super naslov sploh skupaj z 2015 (novo) in Pennies (drobiž). No v tem course te ne nauči čisto nič drugega, kot to kako postaviš FB AD. In cena tega coursa je 222 € ...

Ali pa recimo Winning The App Game: How I Make Passive Income - No Coding!, kjer pa avtor razlaga kaj je itunes, kako prodat na facebooku, da moreš naredit reskinning obstoječe aplikacije brez da bi povedal kako in dal kakšen link...

Sedaj pa vprašanje. Kdo ve za kakšne preverjene course, ki ti res povejo kakšen secret oziroma kakšen preverjen in verodostojen avtor?


Mail lista za člane je še vedno odprta:)

Glede kvalitete: Tudi tukaj dela Pareto - 80/20 - jaz vedno preberem reviewe in precej hitro ocenim po koliko so hruške. Kot povsod drugje je večina šrota, ampak ker mi za pregled in oceno vzame manj kot minuto je potrebno vzeti to v zakup. Recimo v enem čisto osnovnem tečaju (čeprav je imel nahypan naslov tako kot tale tvoj FB) sem zasledil free program Open Broadcaster (ki ga prej nisem poznal), čeprav redno spremljam freeeware sceno - program vreden zlata za snemanje screen video tutorialov za moje uporabnike + za live stream. Predno zaženem $$$ Camtasio in nastavim kar moram/rabim ter počakam da on sprocesira video iz svojega internega video formata v mp4 imam video z Open broadcasterjem že v Synology internem stramingu ;)

Drugače pa lahko video na roko premakneš naprej. Recimo moje znanje scrapanja, phytona in excella se je 300 % povečalo izključno zaradi Udemaya. Pa recimo Selenium in Github sem prej poznal le površno, sedaj pa aktivno uporabljam.

Lepota Udemaya je da "mora" vsak avtor na začetku dati tečaj za par sto uporabnikov zastonj da dobi kritično maso review - brez ocen nima nobenih šans za zaslužek - samo to okno je ponavadi 5 ali 6 ur in potem finito. Eden od kriterijev ti je lahko če kupon iz mojega maila deluje po petih urah potem tečaj verjetno ni bog ve kaj ....

Verodostojen avtor na Udemayu ? Recimo Seith Godin :)

Teli reviewi so tko-tko, sem bral da je dost fejkrskih oziroma so kupljeni ali pa mu je par frendov kej lepga napisal. Sej na dolgi rok se potem zbalansirajo in ima vsak course točno toliko, kolikor si je zaslužil, sami mi smo tukaj prve stranke in kar imas od ocen je bolj ko ne neveredostojno :)

za nove tečaje imaš prav, jaz sem bolj mislil za tiste primere , ko avtor ki že ima par sto ocen posodobi tečaj in istočasno da 100 ali 200 free kuponov da bouncne tečaj - tam hitro vidiš keri so reviewi s slikami in kaj povejo keri pa so "kupljeni"


Blogger's Legal Guide. Protect Your Online Writing Career.

June, 2015 - I am in the process of building this course and need your feedback, so I encourage you to join today at this incredibly low price because it will be raising to $499 like my other courses once the content is all added in the coming weeks. If you enroll now, you'll be able to get all of those updates.
----Updated for June 2015---

Many tutorials teach you "how to blog" or "how to create a freelance writing business", but none of them give include the MISSING PIECE: the legal and business information you need to run your freelancing career like a professional.

Are you a blogger who wants to get the information that you'd get in a $500 an hour consultation with a lawyer BUT can you not afford to invest that type of money right now? This course is for you.
Don't let the length scare you though, you only need to watch the sections that are relevant and useful to you.

I'm an intellectual property lawyer who works with creative professionals like web designers, game developers, and Youtubers.
Some of my clients are the biggest internet personalities in the world with millions of Youtube subscribers, Twitter followers, and millions in endorsement deal revenue. But at the end of the day they're still 1-5 employee creative businesses like the one you have or would like to start.
WHY DID I CREATE THIS? I've advised literally 100's of aspiring creatives for free out of the kindness of my own heart over the years. To ensure that I could help as many people as possible, even the people who can't pay may rate as an attorney, I am building this course. My goal is to ensure that you take the path of least resistance and most reward. I used to be a graphic designer and filmmaker myself after all, so I want to give back to creators/freelancers.
I want to see entrepreneurs and creatives who want create jobs and create art succeed. I'd like your new ideas to change the world. I want to empower you to understand of the law now so it doesn't get in your way later. Problems that are easy to solve now can cost a fortune to fix later.


30 Day money back guarantee! - If you don't like it, get your money back
Write and negotiate your own contracts for clients to avoid paying a lawyer $500 an hour to do it for you. I'll review several freelance writing contract templates that you may encounter paragraph by paragraph. I'll explain in detail what each section means, so you can know what to include in your standard business terms
Avoid losing clients. If you turn in work to clients that is unusable because it violates copyright or other intellectual property laws, you'll lose that client.
Avoid doing unpaid revisions. Learn how to write a contract that prohibits your clients from making you do unnecessary revisions and unpaid revisions. Also, learn how to avoid making unusable work that violates IP laws that you will have to revise.
Save time and keep your clients longer. Learn how to develop a set of "standard business terms" to streamline the time it takes to lock in new clients. Avoid having to make multiple contracts for multiple projects since if you do it properly, you only need one.
Understand when you may need a lawyer as a blogger. Once you're successful enough that you can hire an attorney, learn what kind of lawyer you may need, how to find that person, and how to negotiate for the lowest fee.
Avoid lawsuits. Although a lawsuit is unlikely, one threat of legal action could destroy your entire business. Learn the information you need to prevent legal problems now and prevent them from ever arising.


This course is meant to be interactive. I'll be adding content to the course based on your questions, so you will have the opportunity to ask questions and get personal feedback (please note: I can't give specific legal advice in the discussion board)!

When this course is complete, you'll receive
-Fill-In-the-Blank Legal Templates: I've included templates of blogger contracts, assignment agreements, and other necessary disclaimers as downloadable PDF and DOC files. One template alone can cost $10-$100 anywhere else on the internet and I'm including them here for free.
-Example Contracts from Publicly Traded Companies: I've tracked down and included REAL contracts from my own archives that include blogging payment information, real milestone breakdowns and other information that is indispensable for coming up with how much you should charge and how you should structure your own delivery dates.

Because I believe in your success and want to help anyone spends the time to help themselves, for the first 50 people that fully complete the course at 95% or higher I will jump on a personal 15-minute call with you to give you some basic tips to move forward and answer any lingering questions.
If this hasn't been taken down this bonus is still available.
Right now, I am keeping the price low for the Udemy community so I can continue to get feedback from you on how to make this the best course possible. Keep in mind, the current price is temporary and can raise at any time.

Certificate of Completion
Discounts on my future courses, I've included a coupon book inside of the course to get discounts on my other courses.
Lock in your price now. Since I'm going to be adding new content each week, the price of the course will raise. If you want to get that new content for free, now is the time to buy.
Have some faith in the 30 day money back guarantee and order now
Category: Business


Over 40 lectures and 3 hours of content!
Learn the MISSING PIECE that blogging tutorials leave out... The information that will allow you to succeed at running your business
Review actual real-world examples of freelance writing and blogging contracts, milestone, and payment arrangements from publicly traded companies


The is a comprehensive course on legal issues surrounding freelance blogging that will take any beginner up to the level of competent professional. You can even take this course WHILE you're taking another technical course on writing. Experience with blogging or freelance writing isn't necessary to understand this information.


Lawyers can charge $400-500 an hour for their time. If you save just one hour of a lawyer's time you've already paid for this course
Freelancers looking to grow their creative businesses who wants to understand how copyright, trademark, terms of use, and other laws affect what they do and give their clients
Creative business owners who wants to take their companies to the next level by integrating smart processes, learning the market and improving internal organization.



CodeIgniter - Learn CodeIgniter beginners level



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