18 naročnikov
18 naročnikov
241 odgovorov
Kaj pa te, ki so free s kuponom, čez nekaj časa verjetno ne bodo več free? Če se pol spomneš, da bi še kaj pogledal moraš verjetno plačat? Shranit teh videov se verjetno ne da?
Nekateri imajo možnost za prenos in jih lahko znotraj mobilne aplikacije ogleduješ ko si offline. Na desktopu pa lahko pri nekaterih tutorialih preneseš .mp4.
- VSE lahko preneseš na android
- VSE lahko preneseš na desktopu u IDM
- možen je tudi batch dl (z Phytonom)
- dostop je za vse "lifetime" samo gesla ne smeš pozabit
- ker je Udemay povezan z Linkedinnom lahko linkaš certifikat (ko končaš) na Linkedinn (certifikat je hostan na Udemay serverju), kar tudi ne more škoditi :)
No, tega nisem vedel, da lahko na androidu preneseš vse. Hotel pa sem povedati, da so na vmesniku spletne strani tisti, ki jih lahko preneseš, označeni z ikono za dl.
Ta z LinkedIn-om je pa tudi koristna informacija. Tnx.
The answer is a complicated "yes" and "no". It mainly depends on what platform you're using. If you're using the Udemy mobile app, you can enable offline viewing by downloading the lectures.
This article refers to downloading a course to your desktop.
Complete courses are not downloadable, but sometimes you will be able to download a lecture. This is because instructors are free to enable/disable downloads of their content. If an instructor has enabled downloading, you'll see the lecture downloads in the "Materials" section in the right-hand side bar of your lecture page. The formats for lecture files include .mp4, .ppt, .pdf, and more.
Laravel try and enjoy php coding course
improve your developing skills by laravel 4 to build your projects with less time,less efforts and big enjoyment
Lectures 23
Video 2 Hours
Skill levelbeginner level
Languages English
Google Mail - Increase Your Productivity €20 / Free
Gmail - Increase Your Productivity.
These videos provide you with detailed virtually "over-the-shoulder" style step-by-step HD video tutorials that leave no technical stone unturned.
Basically, the more acquainted you are with Gmail the more productive you become as you are using its full potential. This course can help you save two items that you can never have enough of - Time & Money. Organize your Gmail today for the lowest price possible.
Lectures 9
Video 1 Hours
Skill level beginner level
100% off Learn print production from start to finish / 45 €
Learn every basic concept needed for print production, including practical examples of how to leverage those.
Have you ever wondered why something went wrong with your print jobs? Or how some designers set up incredibly delicate print refinements for their print projects? If yes, this course is exactly what you’re looking for.
In this course you will understand how printing works and how all the variables in printing work together to create a great or bad print outcome. The outline for this course is going to start with an overview of the different printing and finishing processes with 3D animations, followed by thorough theory on the most important print topics, such as maximum ink coverage, page bleed, rasterization, what color models are and so on.
After this, you are going to learn about color management and PDF for print production in-depth, followed by practical chapters that discover how you can put all those pieces together, including setting up print documents with InDesign, Illustrator, as well as optimizing your images with Photoshop and last but not least how to check those with preflights within Acrobat.
What are the requirements?
Basic InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop skills, Acrobat Pro for analyzing print PDFs
What am I going to get from this course?
Over 12 lectures and 34 mins of content!
Understand how printing works mechanically and use that as a basis for better communication with print providers
Understand how to prepare print PDFs for print providers
Create basic and advanced print products with print finishes
What is the target audience?
Graphic designers with no techincal background for print production or graphic design beginners
Small entrepreneurs that prepare their own designs but don't know how to prepare them properly for print.
Don't take this course expecting a focus on design principles. There are already a lot of great resources and courses out there about this.
Beginners Guide to Maya 2015 / 35 €
Course Description
This in-depth Maya 2015 tutorial is designed to help you get a solid understanding of the core features found in Maya and help you to ease your transition into this very powerful program. So during the course of these lessons, you'll have a chance to learn about different aspects of Maya from several talented instructors from all over the 3D field.
For the next 11 hours, we'll be giving you the most structured, well-rounded and easiest to follow Maya training that you'll be able to find anywhere.
In the first portion of this tutorial, we'll be getting you familiar with some of the vocabulary and foundational skills that you'll need in order to begin moving around and working in Maya. From there, we'll move into exploring some of the modeling features found in Maya, and we'll begin building the mech that will be our central project for the remainder of this course.
We'll take you through the entire process of adding textures and materials to the mech, adding animated movement and animation controls, adding dynamics and finally we'll learn how to add lights, shadows and output our final animated sequence.
This training is designed for new Maya users, so our goal is not to weigh you down with a lot of technical information. Instead, we want you to form some really good habits and workflows – getting to see the entire start-to-finish pipeline for this project – and by the end of this tutorial, we want you to be at a point where you can feel very comfortable using Maya.
What are the requirements?
Autodesk Maya 2015 (previous versions are okay but be aware that some of the project files may not work with your version)
Adobe Photoshop (any version, even the trial will work)
What am I going to get from this course?
Over 104 lectures and 11.5 hours of content!
Utilize all the skills learned to create their own projects from start to finish
Create stunning and realistic looking animations
What is the target audience?
Complete beginners to any version of Maya
Anyone new to 3D as a whole
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