18 naročnikov
18 naročnikov
241 odgovorov
Redirect Your Visitors By Country Easily -Wordpress Tutorial
Zdravo 1gay1gay - Zanima me katere vodiče bi priporočal da si naj pogledam. Trenutno delam na internetemu marketingu in prodaji izdelkov, oglaševanje preko facebooka itd. Karkoli v povezavi s tem? Hvala in lp
@bizzy: če nimaš časa za razmetavanje (kot je razvidno iz tvoje natančnosti v branju mojega nicka) potem pojdi na posamezen kurs, ki ima v imenu željene keywords in preglej število udeležencev in reviewe . Ampak večina boljših tečajev je novih in so brez review, zato so fraj samo toliko časa, da dobijo kritično maso ljudi ki jim iz hvaležnosti napišejo review (če so seveda kvalitetni). Jaz vzamem vse in pobrišem šrot kasneje, ko imam čas. Če je nekaj videti kvalitetno prenesem na telefon in poslušam ko imam čas. Šele če me tam zaintrigira potem ga grem "študiozno" gledat na desktop
Tegale ne zamudite .......... jaz sem ga kupil ..... :((((
ni ravno najbolj advanced, a vsekakor ni začetniški ..... če bi vse to vedel pred leti .... rajši ne razmišljam ...
Online Seller Blueprint: Make $3000 A Month Selling Online!
You are going to learn in detail how to use one of the worlds biggest marketplaces known as Alibaba. We will cover:
What sort of products to look for.
How to know that you are going to be able to sell your products. Guaranteed!
How to communicate with factories and suppliers.
Master shipping techniques and know how to get your products safely to your door ASAP.
Once you have your products you will be shown how to present them and sell them like the pros do, beating 90% of the competition hands down. We will cover:
Mastering product photography to take professional looking images of your products anywhere anytime.
Writing killer product descriptions that convert like crazy and are also keyword optimized.
Building hot selling titles. Having your product title structured correctly is vital to getting high amounts of traffic to your product listings. We will show you how.
Keyword Research is key to getting maximum exposure to your listings. You will learn how to find the best keywords for your product and use them to dominate.
Tegale ne zamudite .......... jaz sem ga kupil ..... :((((ni ravno najbolj advanced, a vsekakor ni začetniški ..... če bi vse to vedel pred leti .... rajši ne razmišljam ...
Online Seller Blueprint: Make $3000 A Month Selling Online!
You are going to learn in detail how to use one of the worlds biggest marketplaces known as Alibaba. We will cover:
What sort of products to look for.
How to know that you are going to be able to sell your products. Guaranteed!
How to communicate with factories and suppliers.
Master shipping techniques and know how to get your products safely to your door ASAP.
Once you have your products you will be shown how to present them and sell them like the pros do, beating 90% of the competition hands down. We will cover:Mastering product photography to take professional looking images of your products anywhere anytime.
Writing killer product descriptions that convert like crazy and are also keyword optimized.
Building hot selling titles. Having your product title structured correctly is vital to getting high amounts of traffic to your product listings. We will show you how.
Keyword Research is key to getting maximum exposure to your listings. You will learn how to find the best keywords for your product and use them to dominate.
Ma kdo tegale downloadan-ga? Seveda če je bil na voljo za download. Kupon je poteku in zdaj stane 161 eur.
a že ? ... se pravi da je imel samo XX kuponov free :( ... jaz bi ga moral imeti dl na stari tablici, bom pogledal če je še gor (nimam je več pri sebi) later this week
MySQL Database MasterClass: Go From Pupil To Master!
This is a MySQL MasterClass that gets you immediate hands on experience with a database. From design to Master Class! In this course you will Design a database from scratch so that you understand the thought process that goes into such a design. We will then bring in the basic skills of SQL and give you example upon example of how to use this skill while building on those basic skills adding in more technique and more difficulty until they become more advanced. You will learn skills that even you average DBA doesn't do properly.
SQL Statements
Stored Procedures
User Defined Functions
and a lot more!