Moneybookers - chargeback request
6 naročnikov
6 naročnikov
Prejšnji teden sem od Skrill dobil obvestilo:
"Dear ******
We have received a chargeback request from our provider for the following transaction:
Transaction ID: ***********
Amount: 36.4 EUR
Date: 05/10/2013A chargeback transaction and corresponding fee have therefore been deducted from your balance. These can be found in the 'history' section of your Skrill account:
Chargeback transaction ID: *******
Chargeback fee transaction ID: ******In order for us to dispute this chargeback and potentially report the case to the authorities, we request that you provide us with the following:
- Name, address and contact details of the customer
- Details of the goods/services provided to the customer
- Proof that the goods/services were sent to the customer
- Any additional information that you feel is relevant to this case
This should be sent via email to or fax to +44 709 204 2001. If we are able to successfully dispute this charge back, you will be reimbursed appropriately.
Kind regards,
Skrill Merchant Services"
Na kratko povedano: stranka je naročila izdelek v moji spletni trgovini, plačala z Moneybookers. Izdelek je dobila, Moneybookers pa mi je poslal obvestilo, da so denar stranki vrnili nazaj, dodatno so me oglobili še za 25 € - skupaj sem izgubil več kot 61 €.
Preveril sem pri stranki, ki trdi, da o zahtevi po vračilu denarja ni seznanjena. Potrdila je, da je izdelek dobila. Skrill-u sem poslal skeniran podpisa od GlS-ja, da je izdelek dobila, printscreen naročila. Od tega je že sedaj 1 teden, denarja seveda še nisem dobil, razen obvestila:
"Thank you for your e-mail.
We would like to confirm that the information you have provided us with has been forwarded to our Department in charge, so that they would be able to handle your case respectively.
Thank you for your kind co-operation.
Best regards,
Skrill Merchant Services "
Je že kdo imel takšen primer? Bom sploh dobil povrnjen denar?
18 odgovorov
In danes sem dobil še splošen odgovor od Skrill. Kot je razbrati lahko reševanje traja tudi 6 mesecev in tudi, če bom dobil povrnjeno kupnino, ne bom dobil povrnjenih stroškov 25 €, ki so mi jih neupravičeno zaračunalil.
Further to your inquiry, please note that a chargeback is the return of funds to a consumer, forcibly initiated by the consumer's issuing bank. Specifically, it is the reversal of a prior outbound transfer of funds from a consumer's credit or debit card. The chargeback is reversal against a sale that was credited to the merchant's account.
In case of a chargeback, two charges are deducted from your merchant account:
• The transaction amount – being returned back to the cardholder
• The chargeback fee imposed by the credit card organizations
There are various chargeback reasons, such as:
- Services/Merchandise Not Received
- Not as Described or Defective
- Cardholder Does Not Recognize
- Fraudulent Transaction - cardholder did not participate in the transaction
Upon receiving a charge back our system is instantly sending notification to the respective merchant, requesting additional information and delivery proof, based on which we can proceed with the so called charge back objection in a certain timeframe (depending on the card issuer we have between 3 and 15 days).
Once the charge back objection is submitted the respective Acquirer will review the case in accordance to their specific regulations and internal procedures. In most of the cases in order for the card issuer to provide final resolution regarding the objection it is necessary for them to complete their own investigation. Normally we are receiving resolution in 1 – 3 months, however on occasions it takes up to 6 months. Currently, we have submitted the delivery proof that you have provided us with, and are waiting for a resolution from the Acquirer.
On a successful chargeback objection, you shall retrieve the transaction amount, however the chargeback fee is non-refundable, regardless the circumstances. The exact amount of a chargeback fee is stated in the merchant agreement.
Please, do not hesitate to contact us again in case you need any further assistance.
With kind regards,
Skrill Merchant Services
Če ti bodo neupravičeno odtegnili kakršnokoli vsoto je naslednji korak jasen, Skrill več ni tisto kar želiš imeti med opcijami plačila :)
Pravkar dobil telefonski klic od Diners - naslednji odgovor bo morda prišel prav tudi vam.
Moneybookers še nima zajete celotne baze podatkov uporabnikov Diners Slovenija oz. le ta ni posodobljena zaradi znanih težav, ki jih je imel Diners Slovenija.
Skratka - previdnost pri sprejemanju plačil z Diners kartico.
V mojem primeru težava še ni odpravljena - naj pa bi se delalo na tem...
In še Skrillov današnji odgovor:
Thank you for your e-mail.
Further to your request, please note that we have received the information for the chargeback from the customer's bank. Such requests cannot be initiated without the card holder's consent and explicit request.
The chargeback procedure has already been initiated and as a payment service provider we have supplied all information for the transaction and the delivery of the goods to the Acquirer Bank for assessment and consent.
Please note that as soon as they consent is granted, we will inform you accordingly of the outcome of the case.
If we can be of any further assistance in the meantime, please, do not hesitate to contact us again.
With kind regards,
Skrill Merchant Services
Evo podobna zgodba iz enega tujega foruma:
i used skrill, but i left due to the refund cost! and also due to the hight payment fees.
someone scammed me (skrill refund money and add about ~20 pound fee)
no comments :/
Kaj mislite, je Skrill še dobro met kot način plačila v spletni trgovini?
In še Skrillov današnji odgovor:Thank you for your e-mail.
Further to your request, please note that we have received the information for the chargeback from the customer's bank. Such requests cannot be initiated without the card holder's consent and explicit request.
The chargeback procedure has already been initiated and as a payment service provider we have supplied all information for the transaction and the delivery of the goods to the Acquirer Bank for assessment and consent.
Please note that as soon as they consent is granted, we will inform you accordingly of the outcome of the case.
If we can be of any further assistance in the meantime, please, do not hesitate to contact us again.
With kind regards,
Skrill Merchant Services
A si kaj rešo?
Ravno danes sem spet klical Diners, ki mi ne odgovarja več na mail glede navedenega problema.
Odgovor ni zadovoljil mojih zahtev: se rešuje...
Sem omenil, da bom morda namignil kakšnemu novinarju in poskrbel za dodatno reklamo Diners...
Drugače pa sem iz jeze zaradi navedenega dogodka tudi jaz mislil dvigniti ves denar in zapreti račun. A sem moral počakati, da se mi izteče 1 mesečna rezervacija denarja. A 2 dni pred potekom rezervacije mi je še ena stranka vplačala 700 € na Moneybookers - zdaj pa bom spet čakal 1 mesec na denar...
Zaenkrat ustrezne alternative direktnega plačila (poleg PayPal) še nisem našel - pri vseh so + in -.
Še vedno pa iščem tudi čimbolj ugoden način obročnega plačila, ki bi ga lahko ponudil strankam. Če kdo ve za kakšno možnost se priporočam za več info.
Cost of business. Tole se dogaja pri vseh payment processorjih. Se pa po mojih izkušnjah ne splača kaj pritoževat, ker itak v 90% rešijo v korist stranke in ne prodajalca in ti bodo samo živci šli. Verjamem pa, da te hudičevo jezi, tut mene je.
Kaj priproročate, se splača met Skrill kot payment processor v spletni trgovini?
p.s. ima mogoče kdo kak mail od Skrill-a, ker na obrazec na spletni strani ne odgovarjajo, ker sem jim že 2x poslal vprašanje pa nič...