PAYMILL procesor


trenutno iščem najboljši CC gateway za Shopify platformo.
V sistem Braintree žal nisem bil sprejet, ker imam po njihovo nedovoljen produkt.
Uporablja kdo izmed vas PAYMILL gateway?
Bi mi lahko več povedali o tem gateway-u?


10 odgovorov

Paymill pri nas dela super.

Kaj pa te zanima?

Če si imel težave z Braintree zaradi produkta, je velika verjetnost da jih boš imel tudi z Paymill.

V Slo lahko poskusiš tudi z

Nas je Braintree tudi zavrnil, zato smo šli na Paymil in je vse ok.

Če si imel težave z Braintree zaradi produkta, je velika verjetnost da jih boš imel tudi z Paymill.

Uf, na to temo sem pa čisto pozabil.
Zanima me, kako dolgo traja preden te sprejmejo? Slišal sem, da lahko traja tudi po mesec dni. Je to res?

Ja, tam nekje. Da ti oni najdejo primerno banko in da ti podpišeš vse papirje, se lahko zavleče. Sicer pa standarden postopek.

Pa deluje vse kot bi moralo? Upam, da me ne zavrnejo še pri Paymill-u.

Zaenkrat vse super.

Je mogoče kdo na BrainTree in je dobil zadnji email, da spreminjajo nekaj pogoje in je treba pridobit neko dovoljenje glede osebnih podatkov?


Data Protection Terms
Following the European Court of Justice ruling on Safe Harbor in October
2015, we have amended Section 2 of Exhibit A (Data Protection / Customer
Data) of the Braintree Payment Services Agreement to implement Model
Clauses by way of an EU Personal Data Standard Contractual Clauses Addendum
(the “Addendum”).

We have put details of this change on our Policy Updates page
You can also find the updated Braintree Payment Services Agreement with the
Addendum here

What do I have to do?*
Unless you have local filing requirements, you don’t need to do anything as
the changes related to Section 2 of Exhibit A (Data Protection / Customer
Data) of the Braintree Payment Services Agreement will automatically become
effective as of 18 May 2016 to meet the requirements of the European Court
of Justice ruling on Safe Harbor. You can make it effective earlier in
accordance with the following paragraph.

Please note, if you are established in a country where you have to comply
with specific requirements from the local Data Protection Agency or if you
want the Addendum to become effective immediately, you may print and sign
the Addendum to be able to notify your local Data Protection Agency or
apply for any authorization before your local Data Protection Agency. To
this effect, please note that the Addendum has been electronically
pre-executed by the relevant Braintree and PayPal entities.

You will be deemed to have consented to the changes related to Section 2 of
Exhibit A (Data Protection / Customer Data) of the Braintree Payment
Services Agreement unless you explicitly dissent before 18 May 2016. If you
don’t agree, please let us know before 18 May 2016 and we will close your
merchant account(s) immediately without incurring any additional charges.

Should you have any queries on the changes made to Section 2 of Exhibit A
(Data Protection / Customer Data) of the Braintree Payment Services
Agreement, please contact us at

The Braintree Team

Torej je čisto vseeno, katerega se izbere za Magento trgovino? Paymill, Braintree ali Adyen kakor pravite? Za paypal je kateri primeren, hvala.