Google in h1 tagi kot anchor za linke v rezultatih

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Google is testing using webpage headers as linked anchor text on search result pages for some instances. Till now the page’s Title tag was used the anchor text for hyperlink in the search results but it is seen that for some queries, the H1 tag of the page appears as linked anchor text. Yahoo and Bing are known to have used page headers in the past. Therefore, it is a vital clue to for webmasters and SEO specialists to change the way they create page headers (H1, H2 etc). Rather than just writing “Welcome to”, the page header should be more enticing for the visitors to click and contain the targeted keywords.

2 odgovora

Svašta :). Upam da to ne pomeni tudi, da bo <h1> po SEO teži zamenjal <title>.

Ampak saj dobra SEO praksa pravi da je na vrhu strani h1 tag z imenom strani. Torej, pri SEO straneh je title tag enak (prvemu) h1 tagu.