Prenos vsebine na drugo domeno - duplicate?

Da ne bom še 1x pisaril :

Hi there,

so I had to shut-down one domain (reason not related to the question at hand) which had around 4000 words of new content on it about 1 week ago.

I would like to use that content on another page, because it is unique and off high quality. The content can no longer be found anywhere, because the page is down..for good.

Is it ok to put it on my other page or should I wait until Google deindexed it completely? What if Google later finds out that there is no other page with this content?

Any ideas?


Če je anglescina against forum bad...

1 odgovor

V vsakem primeru obvezno naredi 301 redirekt, sploh če imaš določene article že backlinkane... V tem primeru ne zgubiš ničesar.

Če pa nimaš več dostopa do serverja pa je edina opcija complete deindex, kar pa traja. Lahko pa uporabiš remove URL v webmaster tools.