Zunanje poveza - orodje
4 naročniki
4 naročniki
Pozna kdo kakšno, po možnosti brezplačno orodje za zunanje povezave oz. backlinke, da bi videl koliko jih imam in kam vodijo, mogoče tudi PR sourca ipd.
Hvala vsem že vnaprej.
4 odgovori
Hvala obema,
Koporc => backlinkwatch.com javlja nek error :)
p.s.: Mogoče kdo ve po kolikem času se BACKLINKI "poznajo" tako v ranku strani kot npr. v takšnih orodjih.
mogoče BDI php seo report script (free/GPL) , ki jo dobiš na phpeasycode ( htttp://www.phpeasycode.com/seoreport/ )
This script is intended to lookup for SEO results for your domain on all major search engines and other important sites and to present them on a single page. It retrieves and displays the following information about your domain: Google indexed pages, Google inbound links, Yahoo indexed pages, Yahoo inbound links, Bing indexed pages, Bing inbound links, Alexa rank, Alexa inbound links, DMOZ listing (if any), SiteAdvisor & myWOT ratings, domain age.
Note: Please do NOT ask us for Google PR inclusion, it is against Google TOS! Simply install Google toolbar and get your site stats.
Upload seoreport.php file on your server and open in your browser: http://www.yourdomain.com/seoreport.php
View results for your site online.