Se Visa in ePassporte ne marata več?
5 naročnikov
5 naročnikov
Sicer se mi zdi, da na tem forumu večina uporablja PayPal in MoneyBookers, pa vseeno, zasledil sem na enem forumu, pa objavljam, mogoče bo koga zanimalo.
From: Christopher Mallick, Owner,
Dear ePassporte Account Holders,
Please be advised that, at 12:00 PM PDT today, September 2, 2010, we were notified that effective immediately, Visa International has suspended our banking partner’s (St. Kitts Nevis Anguilla National Bank) ePassporte Visa program. The ePassporte e-Wallet program continues to be up and running, except funds cannot be transferred between your Visa Account and your e-Wallet. At this time ePassporte can no longer issue Visa Cards, and the ability for our Account Holders to make point of sale purchases and withdraw funds from ATMs has also been suspended.
At this time we do not know why this drastic action was taken by Visa. To us, it is unconscionable that such action would be taken without the opportunity for ePassporte to fully understand Visa’s reasons and to be able to take all steps necessary to keep our program running the way it has so successfully done for over 7 years. But that is what Visa has done.
As soon as we have more information we will be in contact with you.
In the meantime please be assured that your funds are safe.
We are very sorry for the short notice and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. The ePassporte team is working diligently to rectify this situation.
We kindly ask you to bear with us while we work through this issue.
Please feel free to contact us via the message center or at our call center, should you have any questions, comments or concerns.
Thank You,
Christopher Mallick
8 odgovorov
Še sreča, da sem pred 2 mesecoma zavrnil podaljašanje vise electron pri epassporte, ker tja ne dobivam več denarja. Problem pa bo dol dobit tist denar če ga še kdo ima gor. Če se prav spomnil, je bila edina možnost za slovence.
Uporabljam epassporte že 5 let in sem tudi jaz dobil tole sporočilo. Sicer me na to niso opozorili pri epassportu, ampak me je po emailu obvestil affiliate manager.
Rekel je naj nemudoma zamenjam EP automatični način prejemanja denarja v "epassporte wallet" namest v "epassporte visa account". Hkrati mi je ponudil nove načine izplačil.
Imam pa nekaj denarja še gor, ki so mi ga 'zamrznili' ampak verjamem da bodo uredili in da denar ne bo izgubljen.
p.s. še dobro, da sem prejšnji teden polno tankal na hrvaškem z epassportom :)
Tole je danes prišlo:
We at ePassporte are as distressed as you, our valued cardholders, over an action that we did not see coming and as of today we still have received no good basis for it.
First, be assured that your funds are fully safe and protected. You are owed that and it will be fulfilled. The funds are secure.
Second, ePassporte is working with the St. Kitts bank to work out how all payments will be made and when. The details are complicated, because there are funds in motion and where and when they settle requires us to all be careful that we fully and properly account for all those funds and their rightful owner. This issue stems from our processing and reporting ability through the Visa system and their processor.
Third, ePassporte's most important asset has always been our account holder's. We are not going to undermine that asset by treating cardholders in any manner other than the best we can.
Most of us have had the unfortunate experience of dealing with banks and card associations that simply "cut us off" and did not pay us. Those actions were limited to card acquiring (merchant accounts), not card issuing, which is what we do. We can all take some comfort in the fact that this situation is not anything like the acquiring side of the business.
We all fully understand that communication to our cardholders is critical. However, it does not help any of us if we are constantly updating you on the basis of the calls that take place almost hourly. It seems to us that giving you facts, based on agreements we are working on is the best form of communication. This is what we will be doing. When we know something, that is a fact, we will report it, quickly. Our staff is all working diligently to resolve these issues and the many moving and complicated parts of getting the funds returned. Therefore, please do not mistake our silence as "hiding", "avoiding" or "stringing you along". We too have funds that are stuck in the system, as well as massive costs of operation without any income.
Rest assured that when we know, you will know and you will all be satisfied with the results. Again, your money is safe.
For those of you that have been in the industry for many years, I hope you will recall that I have a very strong track record of fighting for the rights of webmasters, program sponsors, billing companies, merchants and the industry; that dedication continues.
Thanks you for your understanding in this difficult time and for your support over the last 8 years of our operations.
Chris Mallick
For ePassporte
Nekaj detajlov o epass še v tej, na žalost poduplirani temi:
Uff, očitno je konec:
Dear ePassporte Account Holders,
It is with great regret we inform you that ePassporte must close its doors due to a lack of revenue and circumstances beyond our control.
Effective immediately, the call center, ePassporte's sales and marketing team and risk management staff will no longer be available. A small group will remain to organize wallet requests and help disburse funds. On the ePassporte website, in the near future, wallet holders will be provided further information on what is needed to obtain your funds. This will mainly be a process to protect wallet holder funds from fraud. We expect this will be a simplified process, and as we receive the necessary information, our small remaining staff will process requests as quickly as they can. Please direct your wallet questions, concerns and requests to
For those of you with funds on your Visa Accounts, we are informed that St. Kitts Bank is working on a plan to provide everyone with full access to their funds through their Visa Electron Cards or by bank wire transfers and will inform you accordingly.
We appreciate your support for the ePassporte program over the past 7 years and deeply regret we must close our doors at this difficult time.
Tisti, ki imate denar tukaj ali pa v kakšnem drugem podobnem sistemu, ali jim zaupate, kot bi, recimo, zaupali svoji lokalni banki? Imate tam tudi večje količine denarja ali zadeve rajši praznite kolikor hitro je to mogoče? Kolikor sem zasledil, tile ePassporte sicer delajo na tem, da nihče ne bo ostal brez denarja. Ali kdo to bolje spremlja in nam lahko predstavi podrobnosti?
Yep.. konec je, kot je bilo pričakovati.
Mislim, da jih bo kar veliko ostalo brez denarja, ker dvomim, da bo Epass vsem izplačal do konca. "Baje" so tako ali tako v dolgovih. Čeprav zaenkrat še izplačujejo na US ACH accounte, limitov ne želijo povišati in wire ne izvajajo.
Nekaj detajlov o epass še v tej, na žalost poduplirani temi:
Tkole v hindsightu izpadem pravi kreten, kar pa zame osebno ni nič novega.