Banner vs besedilo

Če postavim img banner na spletno stran z PR5 in mu dam tag recimo "čistilni servis", a je enako kot da napišem "čistilni servis"

5 odgovorov





Pa ta banner bo potem linkan na stran čistilneg servisa - sem pozabil napisat.

Link juice bo, ampak ti pod ključno besedo "čistilni servis" ne bo kaj dosti pomagal.

Probaj dobiti še link anchor "čistilni servis", potem bo pa v redu ;)

kaj pa če temu linku za baner dodaš title="čistilni servis"


<a href="" title="čistini servis" ><img src="baner.gif" alt="čistilni servis" /></a>

bi to pomagalo?

Jaz nisem še uspel preiskusiti, kaj je v praksi bolje. Ker meni neka ugibanja kar se tiče SEO ne dišijo bi rad izvedel, če je kdo dejansko izvajal teste in dobil kakšne koristne rezultate...

Sicer pa glede tega sem na blogu s temo Importance of link architecture zasledil tale odgovor:

"How much better as far as Google is concerned is <a href="new-page.html">text link</a> than <a href="new-page.html"><img src="text-link.gif" alt="text link"></a>, i.e., how much less weight does alt text have than normal text when linking?"

We're pretty capable of detecting image links for crawling purposes. Accurate, not spammy, alt text is beneficial in many ways -- it's helpful to users, not just as a signal to search engines. If you have useful image links (or even just for images) it's good to make the alt text descriptive.