Your Google AdSense account has been disabled
73 naročnikov
73 naročnikov
Ma u k..... :/ Pa so šli pasivni prihodki.
*WEBMASTER GUIDELINES: Our program specialists regularly review sites in
the AdSense program.
It is important for a site displaying AdSense to offer significant value
to the end user by providing unique and relevant content, and not to place
ads on sites with little to no original content. Additionally, Google ads
may not be placed on non-content-based pages.
Your site should also provide a good user experience through clear
navigation and organization. Users should be able to easily click through
your pages and find the information they are seeking.
Because your sites violate the spirit of our policies, we have disabled ad
362 odgovorov
New publisher application process
Wednesday, August 31, 2011 | 8:45:00 AM
We’re continually evaluating our AdSense application process in order to ensure the safest possible network for our advertisers, as well as the best possible experience for you, our publishers. With that in mind, we’ve now implemented a change to our initial review process that will result in a stronger AdSense network. Improving the quality of the network will drive more interest and demand from advertisers, increasing the earning potential for all of our publishers.
Starting today, we’ll begin adding a new step to the review process and sending notifications at two key points. After a new application is submitted, we’ll begin with preliminary checks on the site and the applicant’s submitted details. If the application passes through this first stage, we’ll notify the applicant by email, grant them account access, and provide them with ad code to place on their submitted site. It’s essential at this stage for the applicant to place the ad code on their site, as the review process can’t be completed until the ad code is implemented.
However, live ads won’t immediately appear once the ad code has been placed on the submitted site. Since the application hasn’t been fully approved yet, temporary “blank ads” will be shown instead. These blank ads will blend in with the background of the page, so users won’t see them and the user experience won’t be impacted. As a result, there’s nothing to click on and thus revenue can’t yet be generated. If the applicant logs into their AdSense account at this stage of the review process, they’ll see a reminder that their account is still under review.
Soon after the ad code has been added to the submitted site, a final approval decision will be made and the applicant will be notified by email. Newly approved publishers will see live ads automatically appear in the existing ad units on their pages. These publishers are then welcome (and encouraged!) to add more ad units to their submitted site and to any other policy-compliant sites they own. We also encourage new publishers to ensure their sites are available to be crawled by the AdSense robot (Mediapartners-Google), and also to use our best-performing ad formats.
If you’d like more information about this new approval process, please visit our Help Center or feel free to post questions about this topic in our Help Forum.
Thanks for being a valuable member of AdSense as we continue to improve the quality of our network.
Zalosti me, ko berem o vsem trudu, ki je sel v nic, a po drugi strani pa lahko recem le "kaj ste pa pricakovali?"...
Google ima v rokah vse niti in vam prav ali ne, oni odlocajo kje (in ce sploh) bodo prikazovali oglase in koliko boste prejeli za klike na njih. Googlu se bat za pomanjkanje dobicka, zato se lahko grejo "site not good enough" in disablajo accounte - tudi ce jim vase strani prinasajo denar (ki pa se kaplja v morje ni med vsemi ostalimi).
Podobno je z grajenjem Facebook strani ali katerokoli naslanjanje celotnega (ali dela) posla na "asset" tretjega kjer ste povsem brez kontrole. Tudi SEO je eno takih podrocij kjer smo :) vsi popolnoma brez kontrole. Ja, seveda, lahko zbuildas 100.000 backlinkov ampak jih lahko tudi N ostalih...
Moj predlog je, da zacnete graditi lastne assete (tako kot je napisal nas-t1 pred casom - autoresponder sekvence, ki prodajajo vase ali affiliate izdelke, lastne affiliate programe, ipd.) saj ste tam vi tisti, ki odloca kaj, koliko in komu. Seveda, uporabite tudi assete drugih, vendar naj vasi posli ne temeljijo izkljucno na njih...
Upam, da vam Googleizplaca denar in enablajo accounte. Srecno.
Kaj pa je domain ownership?
Jaz imam vse domene za Adsense z domain privacy, kaj lahko to moti Google, da moram dokazat, da sem res lastnik?
oz. sem imel :/
odkar je Google Adria je katastrofa - nekdo ki je tam zaposlen očitno ne mara slovencev - na srečo samo dobil opozorilo in 72h časa da popravim kar je narobe
upam da se bodo kmalu umiril in nam pustili da delamo v meru ne pa da trepetamo kaj bo...
Nekoč sem dobil tako obvestilo. Teževa je bila v tem, da je bilo ne neki strani rahlo govora o seksu. AdSense pač ne sme biti na takih straneh. Odstranil sporne zadeve in potem je bilo OK.
odkar je Google Adria je katastrofa - nekdo ki je tam zaposlen očitno ne mara slovencev - na srečo samo dobil opozorilo in 72h časa da popravim kar je narobeupam da se bodo kmalu umiril in nam pustili da delamo v meru ne pa da trepetamo kaj bo...
Pred časom sem tudi jaz dobil to obvestilo. Ko sem zadeve popravil, je bilo ok. Sicer pa ko pogledam za nazaj sem presenečen, da me takrat niso zabrisali iz sistem, ker sem imel ene stvar res čudne in niso bile ravno v skladu s TOS (mogoče so mi pogledali skozi prste, ker je bila stran še kolikor toliko na nivoju narejena).