Your Google AdSense account has been disabled

Ma u k..... :/ Pa so šli pasivni prihodki.

*WEBMASTER GUIDELINES: Our program specialists regularly review sites in
the AdSense program.

It is important for a site displaying AdSense to offer significant value
to the end user by providing unique and relevant content, and not to place
ads on sites with little to no original content. Additionally, Google ads
may not be placed on non-content-based pages.

Your site should also provide a good user experience through clear
navigation and organization. Users should be able to easily click through
your pages and find the information they are seeking.

Because your sites violate the spirit of our policies, we have disabled ad

362 odgovorov

mah pri googlu nikoli ne veš 100% kdaj je vse ok, pač upaš da je
sem imel strani ki jih nisem par let spreminjal in so potem težili da so oglasi narobe postavljeni

Še ena zanimiva opcija za tiste, ki so izgubili Adsense account:

Torej, da imaš Squidoo site kot money site, potem pa oni dajo gor svoj Adsense in ti dobiš 50% od vsega zaslužka od klikov (45% vzamejo oni, 5% gre v charity). Kar pomeni, da lahko po svoje služiš preko Adsensa, tudi, če si izgubil svoj lastni račun. Sicer za 50% slabše, ampak hej, glavno, da se še vedno da, ane?

Je kdo že bral njihov TOS? Me zanima, kako ti Squidoo potem to izplačuje (predvsem opcije prejemanja denarja).

Eh, nevermind. Tole je en comment:

I have just recently found out also that the 50% left for the lensmasters is divided up amongst the top 85,000 lenses. So, if your lens isn't in the top 85,000...and earns money through don't see a dime.

Not sure that's exactly fair.

Se pravi, moraš imet en lense pod top 85k, da služiš, ali mora bit točno tisti lense pod najboljšimi? Samo zdi se mi, da je nek generalni pool zaslužka, pa potem splittajo vsem enako... kar se sliši dost fail. Al pa tud ne? Hm.

Squidoo nima povezave s tvojim adsense računom. Kot je napisano, na squidoo imajo svoj adsense account, katerega dobiček se deli na podlagi lensrank-a. Lensi se delijo v tri "tier-e", pogoj za najnižji tier (tier 3) je lensrank nad 85.000. Se pravi, da služiš od vsakega lensa, ki spada pod top 85.000.

Danes sem od Googla dobil tale email:

Dear publisher,

We would like to invite you to our AdSense policy webinar on

Wednesday, September 28, 2011 at
5pm GMT Summer Time (London, GMT+01:00)

The webinar is designed to help publishers stay compliant with Google AdSense program policies. We will discuss selected policies, explain how Google enforces them and share tips on how to stay compliant, as well as what to do if you receive a policy notifications.

Register for the webinar now!   

The topics that will be covered include:

  • what types of pages may not display AdSense ads,
  • how to ensure that your site remains compliant with our policies,
  • what actions are taken in case of violation and which notifications are sent by Google,
    • what to do if you receive a policy notification from Google.

Finally, during the webinar, our experts will be happy to answer your questions about the AdSense program policies. Please submit your questions in advance to the AdSense team and vote on questions submitted by other webinar attendees on this page.

To join and participate in the webinar you will need to install Webex Meeting Manager.

Kind regards,

The Google AdSense Team


Kak link do webinarja? Hvala


evo še ta udarec, vse strani, ki ste jih upravljali z disablenimi adsene racunom so danes deindexirali. Vsaj meni so jih :/

Resno? lahko še kdo drug potrdi to izjavo?

Nekaj na to temo lahko najdete tukaj:

Popolnmi deindex ali samo penalty?

Kak link do webinarja? Hvala

hmmm ... v telem mojem omenjenem mailu od google-a je link vezan na moj account ...
daj probi mal pogooglat na temo "Google AdSense program policies webinar"