Hudiča database error wordpress =)

WordPress database error: [Table 'unikatiblog.wppost2cat' doesn't exist]
SELECT p2c.category
id AS catid, COUNT(p2c.relid) AS numposts, UNIXTIMESTAMP(max(p.postdategmt)) + '1' AS lastpostdate, UNIXTIMESTAMP(max(p.postdategmt)) AS lastpostdategmt FROM wppost2cat p2c INNER JOIN wpposts p ON WHERE (p.poststatus='publish' OR p.poststatus='static') AND p.postdategmt<='2007-10-30 21:18:59' GROUP BY p2c.category_id ORDER BY numposts DESC

WTF sem ga sral =))

where should i fix =)

4 odgovori

WordPress database error: [Table 'unikatiblog.wp_post2cat' doesn't exist]

tabela unikatiblog.wp_post2cat ne obstaja ...

to sm zgruntu ja že davno =) nisem pa zgruntal kir plugin oz. kaj jo je sfukalo.

Updejtal sem iz 2.0.7 na 2.3.1


any idea how to fix ? =)

že najdu error thx =) kurčev simple tagging plugin not GO =)