Agloco ure...

Evo po kakšnem mesecu dveh odkar je tale viewbar na voljo...sam sem ga skenslal in ga ne uporabljam sem šel pogledat na agloco kako kaj kaže in ali je kaj novega :D

Kaže mi, da imam 55 ur ... kaj to pomeni, ker mi res ni jasno hehe ?

Kaj bomo cash dobil namesto delnic, ker smo majhni ? :D

98 odgovorov

D.J., je ze kaj oglasov v sistemu?

Da, so že od zagona Viewbara.

Na zacetku smo govorili o kaksnih stirih razlicnih oglasih, ne prav prevec ciljanih. To me zanima, ce se je ze kaj spremenilo, je oglasov dovolj in dovolj raznolikih, da ciljanje uspesno deluje?

Eh ... Ciljanja še nekaj časa ne bo. Sploh pa za nas, ker bi teoretično moral imeti vključene ToboAds, Iprom ipd., da bi delovalo.

ah, ToboAds in Iprom tudi ne ciljata ravno... Pri Ipromu sploh ne vem, ce sem videl kaksne druge oglase kot za bwin, ToboAds ima tega malo vec sicer, ampak se zdalec ne toliko, da bi lahko karkoli hudo ciljali...

Mislu sem ciljano vsaj po državi.

Aha, to pa ja :) malo skrbi glede tega agloca...imam cca. 50 ref. amapak od tega sta aktivna le mogoce 2....tudi sam vedno redkeje zaženem to zadevo, predvsem zaradi opozoril ki so bila izdana..češ da view bar vsebuje razne viruse itd. Konec koncev pa za 1x ni ne duha ne sluha o eventuelnem zaslužku...

Kratek odlomek enega blogerja:

Many respectable bloggers have been recommending Agloco and the truth I don’t know why they believe so much about this company. Agloco is compared AllAdvantage which turned scam after paying some of their members.

What is the point to advertise your Agloco affiliate link? Why wasting your time trying to find new signups with agloco? Cause agloco uses the same affiliate programs that you can use and try to sell them? Why you waste your time with agloco and make an effort to sell direct affiliate links without sharing it with this company?

Agloco just is another publisher like me and you! They use google adsense, Google search, Affiliate links from Comission Junction to others.

I went to the Sign up page and see that they don’t ask your address even they do not mention how to pay their members with check/paypal,etc… So let’s analyze it. If they pay with checks they need your address right? Which is not included in the sign up page. If they will pay with paypal they will need your paypal email address which is not included there as well, and even they do not mention any other ways!

Ok I have seen that many members was desperate before the launching of the toolbar and now that the toolbar is launched guess what? many people are happy about it! but guess what! The toolbar includes spywares, malware and a good virus

Pocasi, tole se vedno ne stekam, res uporabljajo Google Adsense?

Pr iskanju 100% googlov SE z plačanimi reklamami, za direktne reklame ne vem. Sicer se pa neki obeta k stran popravlajo