Malce heca v svetu računalništva
61 naročnikov
61 naročnikov
Take teme še nisem zasledil, če pa obstaja me pa prosim popravite. Tukaj pišite o hecnih zadevah v svetu računalništva, smešne slike, smešni posti, smešni vici pač na temo pcjev ;) Bodimo nasmejani in si popestrimo težke dni :)
Enjoy ;)
173 odgovorov
- One human cell contains 75MB genetic information.
- One sperm contains a half of that; that is 37.5MB.
- One ml of semen contains 100 million sperms.
- In average, ejaculation lasts for 5 sec and contains 2.25 ml semen.
- This means that the throughput of a man's member is equal to (37.5MB x 100,000,000 x 2.25)/5 = 1 687 500 000 000 000 byte/second = 1,6875 Terabyte/sec
This means that the female egg cell withstands this DDoS attack at 1,5 terabyte per second, and only lets through one(!) data package, thereby being the best freaking hardware firewall in the world!
The downside of it is that this only small data package that it lets through, hangs the system for the whole of 9 months!
tole si morte ogledat :D
Hehehehehe: lag, lag! :D:D
Osebno najbolj smešna zadeva na internetu v zadnjem času.
hahahaah :) ta je dobra ja ;P ful laggggg lagg !!! :) lol, drugač pa ne pozabet na 2jko ->
Sej najverjetneje že veste, kaj je najvčja žalitev za vsakega računalničarja... in sicer: jao, da bi ti cura bila opensource ;)