new AdSense terms & conditions

4 odgovori

zjutraj sem tole bral, k sem moral potrditi pravila.. hudica..

Te spremembe najbl bodelo v oči...

"We've also added some specific requirements that make it necessary for publishers to post and abide by a transparent privacy policy that users see. According to this policy, publishers must notify their users of the use of cookies and/or web beacons to collect data in the ad serving process. This change relates to advertisers' use of innovative products and features like Gadget Ads and other offerings in the future."

"6. Termination; Cancellation.
In addition, Google reserves the right to terminate without notice any account that has not generated a sufficient number of valid clicks on Ads or Referral Buttons or valid impressions of Ads (in each case as measured by Google) for a period of two (2) months or more. Upon termination of participation of any Property in the Program or termination of this Agreement for any reason, Sections 3, 6 through 10, and 14 through 17 shall survive termination."

Jaz pa se vrtim v začaranem krogu.

Ko potrdim polje, da se strinjam z napisanimi pogoji in nato kliknem gumb "Continue to my AdSense account, me znova vrže na začetno stran, od tam pa avtomatsko znova na stran s temi pogoji. In tako znova in znova.

Isto se zgodi, če potrdim polje naj me opozori ob naslednji prijavi. Polja, da se s pogoji ne strinjam se niti ne upam potrditi.

poglej svoje nastavitve z cookies, mogoče je to napaka
