Network Solutions tožen zaradi “zaklepanja” domen

4 odgovori

Kdo jih toži?

Se spomnim, ja :) Sem tudi ze nekaj dni nazaj naletel na clanek o tem, da jih tozijo, ampak sem pozabil prilimat link sem.

iMP, ce se prav spomnim clanka, jih tozijo stranke, ki so bile zaradi tega prisiljene kupiti domeno pri njih. Detajlov ne vem, clanka ne najdem vec :)

The lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, takes issue with a policy Network Solutions implemented in December. The company says the policy is intended to protect people trying to reserve a domain name, but others say steers business to Network Solutions.

“Network Solutions has forced millions of people to buy Internet domain names from them instead of cheaper competitors through a scheme that’s netted the firm millions of dollars,” according to the federal class action lawsuit filed by Kabateck Brown Kellner. The suit also alleges ICANN is guilty by association as its policies allow Network Solutions to front run.

Aha. Barabe so :) zdej bojo pa dobli svoje.