First Link Priority
6 naročnikov
6 naročnikov
The problem is that web developers are unaware of the principle of First Link Priority. The bad news is that many sites, especially those with a large number of pages, don’t get the rankings they should because they don’t handle first link priority properly.
The good news is that once you’re aware of the problem, it’s very easy to fix and avoid in the future.
First Link Prioritisation occurs when Google looks at a webpage and analyses its outbound links.
The First Link Priority rule states that when a page links more than once to the same target page, Google will completely ignore all links after the first, often with negative SEO consequences.
Vaše izkušnje? Sam sem bil prepričan, da alt tag deluje kot anchor text.
8 odgovorov
Torej če imaš logo, oz header naslov linkan na prvo stran in še v menuju Home linkan na prvo stran, je to minus za SEO?
Jaz osebno dostikrat popizdim, če kerakoli stran nima logota linkanga na prvo stran, ker tako najhitreje pridem na osnovno stran...
Saj logo lahko še vedno linkaš ampak ne direktno, pač pa tako, da tekstovnemu linku daš CSS razred z logotom.
DjJuvan, se strinjam.
Raje omogočim bralcem lažje branje in navigacijo, kot pa tista malenkost pri SEO.
Dobro no, pač nisem mislil da je malenkost samo mi je prvo bolj pomembno od drugega v tem primeru ;)