Zastonj kliki na adwords
12 naročnikov
12 naročnikov
Opazili smo, da ste v iskalnik vpisali svoje spletno mesto in verjetno je ravno sedaj pravi trenutek, da si privoščite malo (brezplačne) promocije.
Skupaj z največjim svetovnim iskalnikom Google vam ponujamo za 40 EUR brezplačnih klikov na najbolj uporabljanem oglasnem sistemu na svetu Google AdWords. Za ta znesek boste dobili približno 100 zelo relevantnih klikov, ki pa vam jih ne bo treba plačati!
Ponudba je popolnoma neobvezujoča in je namenjena le testiranju sistema. V kolikor boste po promociji opazili, da se je oglaševanje obneslo pa vam lahko pripravimo ponudbo za dolgoročno prisotnost po garantirano najugodnejših cenah.
Če vas naša ponudba zanima, čimprej odgovorite na to sporočilo, saj je število kuponov za brezplačno oglaševanje omejeno.
Lep pozdrav,
Hej, tole sem dobil ko sem bil na prvi strani od A lahko kdo pove prosim kaj več o tem? Kako to podjetja dobijo? A je to za vsakega novega naročnika? Al za vsako novo stran, al kako?
22 odgovorov
Ma rajši dam 200 evrov pa dobim čuka (1000) klikov, kot pa da se moram vezat na nekoga, ki ti za 40€ kampanje nikol ne bo pripravu tko k je treba. Edino če je njegova ura vredna 5 €...Preizkusil sem že takšne variante.
Sam prodajam produkte in nimam cajta pripravljat oglasov in iskat ključnih besed in zarad tega cel dan sedet za kompom.
Drgač pa si mal poglejte, kjer si dejansko lahk kakšno stvar še prej izračunaš in si si lahk velik bolj na jasnem.
Vsaj vem kaj sem dobil.
Try Google AdWords
with a $100 couponDear Google Analytics user,
You already know that Google™ Analytics helps you gain rich insights from your website. When you combine Google Analytics with Google AdWords™, you can get even more from your website: more traffic, more conversions, more business.
And with this $100 free advertising credit, you can try AdWords risk-free until September 30, 2009, after which your coupon drops in value to $75 and remains valid until November 30, 2009.Attract more customers now with Google AdWords:
• Connect with your customers: Google's advertising network reaches 73%1 of all Internet users. Using AdWords, you can target the audience that matters to you, whether that's prospects and customers across the country or right in your neighborhood. AdWords shows your ads at the precise moment customers are looking for your products or services.
• Do more with less: AdWords offers free tools that help you build cost-effective, efficient advertising campaigns and make the most of your investment. Set up a campaign in minutes, decide how much you're willing to pay, and once your ad is set up with cost-per-click pricing, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.
• Stay in the know: Link your AdWords account to your existing Google Analytics account to measure your ads' performance and understand how to improve your campaigns. Google Analytics lets you track the ROI, revenue per click, and profit margin of your campaigns so that you can optimize more effectively.To redeem your AdWords coupon and link your accounts:
Visit and follow the instructions to set-up your account and redeem your coupon. To receive your $100 AdWords credit, you'll need the following unique, non-transferable, one-time use coupon code: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
Once your account has been credited with $100 in free advertising, come back to for instructions on how to link your new account with your Analytics account. You'll also find a list of resources where you can find tips on optimizing your campaign as well as links to contact one of our Google Analytics Authorized Consultants for personalized help.
If you have any questions, just reply directly to this email.Sincerely,
The Google Analytics TeamP.S. It pays to act quickly. Redeem your coupon at before September 30, 2009 to get the full $100 sign-up offer. After this date, the value goes down to $75 and remains valid until November 30, 2009.
Promotional credit must be applied to a new AdWords account within 14 days of creating the account and is valid only for new Google AdWords customers with self-managed signup accounts and with billing addresses in the US. Advertisers will be charged for advertising that exceeds the promotional credit. Advertisers will need to suspend their ads if they do not wish to receive additional charges beyond the free credit amount. Subject to ad approval, valid registration and acceptance of the Google AdWords Program standard terms and conditions. The promotional credit is non-transferable and may not be sold or bartered. Offer may be revoked at any time for any reason by Google Inc. One promotional credit per customer. Advertisers with self-managed signup accounts in the US are subject to a $5 activation fee that will be deducted from the promotional credit. Advertisers outside of the US, please refer to for activation fee. Offer designed for post-pay customers. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. Expires 11/30/09.
1. comScore Media Matrix, March 2009
Evo to sem dobil na mail. Če prav razumem dobim 100$ s kuponom če ustvarim nov račun? Je kaka zanka tu not, ker moja angleščina peša? Sicer pa tako ne bom izkoristil tega, ker nimam nobene strani v lasti.
Ne to probajo nategnit te, ki so samo slišali nekje za neko google oglaševanje...potem pa plačujejo veselo 0,45 Eur/klik, ta ki jim to prodaja pa kupuje klike po 0,01-0,05...mene so eni podobni hteli...imam še zanimiv pogovor posnet...ponudba, extra low cena 350 Eur za 1000 ker sem imel že poln k... gnjavaže, sem si šel direkt kampanjo naredit in glej ga zlomka 0,01 Eur/klik, do max 0,05/klik... S tako ceno na klik se mi zadeva fajn splača, to kar so mi oni ponujali bi bila pa pušiona in se človeku zameri google. To je za prijavit! Mislim, da več ne bodo klicali.
Tisto zgoraj mislim, da je resnično prišlo od googla in sam zbereš, koliko želiš da bo klik vreden, le da ti teh 100$ (-5$) Google "podari". Verjetno pa računajo na to, da jih bo veliko nastavilo tako, da bodo prešli mejo 100$ ter tako začeli svoj lastni denar "kuriti" s kartice. Seveda pa verjetno računajo tudi s tem, da nekatere navdušijo za Adwords.