Ninja RSS dolžina descriptiona (besede v črke)


Ali kdo od vas tu uporablja komponento Ninja RSS Syndicator na Joomli 1.5? Ta komponenta namreč omogoča nastavitev dolžine opisa RSS feeda, vendar samo v številu besed, jaz pa potrebujem omejitev na 250 črk. Malce sem brskal po fajlih komponente in v \tmpl\default.php fajlu našel tole dvoje:

//if type is Summaries then get numwords from db
    $numWords = $this->numWords > 0  ? $this->numWords: 10000; // numWord == 0 represents ALL
/*     Testing Case statement below. If it works, remove this code- D
    $words = $row->itext;
        if ($this->fulltext == 2) {
            $words .= $row->mtext;
        } */

        switch ($this->fulltext) {
            case 0:
                $words = ($row->introtext) ? $row->introtext : ((str_word_count(trim($row->fulltext)) > $numWords) ? word_limiter($row->fulltext, $numWords) : $row->fulltext);
            case 1:
                $words = ($row->introtext) ? $row->introtext : ((str_word_count(trim($row->fulltext)) > $numWords) ? word_limiter($row->fulltext, $numWords) : $row->fulltext);
            case 2:
                $words = $row->introtext.$row->fulltext;
            case 3:
                $words = ($row->fulltext) ? $row->fulltext : $row->introtext;

        // Check if $words is larger then the $numWords
        // Add some extra words because characters are count as words (20% extra)

        if (str_word_count(trim($words)) > $numWords)
            $AddReadMoreLink = true;        
            $words = word_limiter($words, $numWords);       

        if($this->fulltext == 0)
            $AddReadMoreLink = false;

        if ($this->fulltext == 1 or $AddReadMoreLink) {
            if (strlen(trim($row->mtext)) > 0 or $AddReadMoreLink)
                $words .= "\n<p><a href=\"" . $item->link . "\">" . JText::sprintf('Read more...') . "</a></p>";                

        if (!intval($this->renderHTML)) {
          //Remove HTML tags if told not to render them
          $words = noHTML ($words);

        } else {                    
            //Remove images if told not to render them  
      //Images will also get remove with HTML tags above        
          if (!intval($this->renderImages)) {
            $words = delImagesFromHTML($words);

        /* Convert relative urls to absolute */
        $words = addAbsoluteURL($words);

        $item->description          = $words;
        $item->descriptionHtmlSyndicated    = true;

Zanima me, če ima kdo kakšno idejo kako to najlažje spremeniti iz besed v število črk pa prosim povejte čimbolj po domače, ker nimam pojma o programiranju :)

Hvala vsem za pomoč!