Google Affiliate Network

Ali ga že kdo uporablja in kakšne ima izkušnje?


6 odgovorov

Izgleda zanimivo. Sem se pravkar registriral - bom vsekakor poizkusil.
Če pa ima že kdo izkušnje, se pa tudi jaz priporočam da jih deli z nami ;)

Thank you for your interest in Google Affiliate Network, a leading provider of affiliate marketing services and technologies. We are pleased to provide you with the following information regarding setting up an affiliate advertising program with Google Affiliate Network.

  1. Implementation Fee: $1,000
    A one-time fee due before program launch. Covers all materials and training related to technical implementation and program launch.

  2. Network fee: 25% of publisher fees/ $500 monthly minimum
    Network fees are performance-based with a minimum of $500 per month. If your program does not generate $500 in network fees ($2,000 in publisher fees), you will be charged the difference.

  3. Publisher fees: TBD
    You set the publisher rate, which should be competitive within your category. Advertisers commit to a publisher commission rate/range upon contract.

  4. Deposit: $1,000
    Held by Google for the duration of the contract.

  5. Contract
    A minimum six-month contractual commitment.

  6. Platform Demo:
    A demonstration of the Google Affiliate Network user interface.

It is important to note that while affiliate marketing is a cost effective channel, it's not right for all advertisers. Publishers choose which advertiser programs to run. Those websites that haven't developed a track record for conversions will likely struggle to generate volume that supports an adequate return on investment.

If you feel Google Affiliate Network is a good match for your needs and are comfortable your site will generate activity to support the fee structure outlined above, please reply to this email. We'll assign your sales representative to move forward with a contract.

Tak je ko se registriraš kot advertiser. Samo jaz rabim slovenske publisherje za to...

Spet bo sranje za Slovenijo... mnogo jih bo izpadlo samo zaradi premajhnega prometa.

Jaz sem že sprejet! :) To je nekaj podobnega kot ShareASale, če sem prav razumel ...
V en program sem se že prijavil, zdaj čakam odobritev prodajalca potem pa začnem oglaševati :P
Bomo videli če bo kaj iz tega ... glede na to da je od google-a izgleda obetavno.

Snap, sporoči če bo kaj iz tega :)

Je kaj oglaševalcev in kakšne so provizije? Katere pa so ostale omembe vredne mreže, poleg CJ?