DNS cache poisoning
6 naročnikov
6 naročnikov
Preverite ali je vaš DNS strežnik varen na spodnjem naslovu:
Za primer recimo, koliko varnosti posvečajo strežniki ki ponujajo gostovanje... Rezultat je porazen. Test izveden 25. avgusta ob 10:00 uri.
kelt.si - safe
domovanje.net - vulnerable
slohosting.com - vulnerable
gigaspark.com - safe
hitrost.com - safe
e-uspeh.com - vulnerable
g-server.com - safe
webicom.net - vulnerable
gostimo.com - vulnerable
spletnahisa.com - vulnerable
hostko.si - safe
modronebo.net - The name servers for MODRONEBO.NET do not function correctly so this test can not be performed at this time. (The name servers may be lame or down.)
domenar.net - vulnerable
12 odgovorov
No pa še nekaj tujih, tu je rezultat boljši:
bluehost.com - safe
startlogic.com - safe
ixwebhosting.com - safe
webhostingpad.com - vulnerable
hostgator.com - safe
fastdomain.com - safe
hostmonster.com - safe
lunarpages.com - safe
anhosting.com - safe
The servers tested for 24UR.COM appear highly vulnerable to cache poisoning. Immediate action should be taken to rectify the problem.
The servers tested for ZURNAL24.SI appear vulnerable to cache poisoning. However, those providing recursive name servers have unpredictable source ports so the risk is lowered, but not eliminated.
The servers tested for BOLHA.COM appear highly vulnerable to cache poisoning. Immediate action should be taken to rectify the problem.
Note that not all authoritative name servers could be reached, so there may be additional issues that were not discovered.
The servers tested for IZKLOP.COM appear highly vulnerable to cache poisoning. Immediate action should be taken to rectify the problem.
Ti ki imajo "unsafe" imajo nesposobne admine ki ne znajo niti DNSja nastavit pravilno.
Me ne čudi :)
Mja, dosti ljudi tukile gor ma unsafe na svojih serverjih (kolikor sem preverjal), tko da pazljivo z besedami :) Bolj je mišljeno da to popravjo takoj. Če nočjo imet velkih problemov, ko bo prepozno. Drugače pa ja, malo več posvečanja pozornosti varnosti ne bi škodilo. Nenazadnje recimo domovanje se hvali da imajo 2924 gostujočih domen na strežniku na prvi strani... Vse te domene so sedaj vulnerable... če smo že pri tem. Zelo neodgovorno po eni strani, po drugi strani se jim gre pa samo za "image"...
Mogoče, mogoče pa je to priložnost za webmastre, ki so "ljubitelji" 24ur.com in še kakšnih drugih strani =D .