Adwords Pomoč
8 naročnikov
8 naročnikov
Malo bi rad sprobal Adwords pa rabim pomoč:
- Je treba kaj na začetku plačati, še preden gredo oglasi gor? Ali pa klik = plačaš.
- Imam kupon ki se ga dobi ob Hostgator registraciji, za $100. Je to to kar mislim, in imam dejansko $100 za uporabiti na Adwordsu? Če da, kje ga "unovčim".
12 odgovorov
Sem probal na "jezno" karto igrat, izgleda da ne bo nič.
02:44:34 PM) System: There are currently 0 people in front of you and 122 chat technicians assisting customers.
(02:44:39 PM) Chloe Ta: Welcome to HostGator Live Chat.
(02:44:41 PM) chio: Hello
(02:44:41 PM) Chloe Ta: How may I assist you today?
(02:44:46 PM) chio: I bought your hosting a few months ago
(02:44:58 PM) chio: As advertised, $100 Adwords credit, I was really happy to get that too
(02:45:07 PM) chio: However, I feel scammed? Only for US?
(02:45:19 PM) chio: How am I supposed to know that, it tells absolutely nowhere...
(02:46:30 PM) chio: Are you there? Please, I would really like to discuss about this.
(02:46:46 PM) Chloe Ta: Yes, i am still with you
(02:46:53 PM) chio: Alright, sorry.
(02:47:10 PM) chio: Listen, one of the main reasons why I bought HG plan was because of the $100 I was supposed to get for Adwords
(02:47:40 PM) chio: However, I see that as a lie. And I would really want to get a coupon I was told I will get.
(02:47:41 PM) Chloe Ta: One this page, , when you view the section that mentions the adwords coupon, you will see a 'view details' link next to it. In that link is where it outlines the restrictions to the US and Canada
(02:48:47 PM) chio: Couldn't be more hidden..
(02:49:03 PM) Chloe Ta: I apologize for this confusion, however these restrictions are imposed by Google. I understand your frustration
(02:49:17 PM) chio: So there is absolutely no way for me to get a coupon from you?
(02:51:13 PM) Chloe Ta: No, there is simply no way for us to do this. These terms are set by Google as part of their partnership with us in providing their coupons
(02:51:31 PM) chio: Alright, thanks a lot and thank you for answering
(02:51:33 PM) chio: Good bye!
(02:51:36 PM) chio: closed this chat intentionally.
Mogoče kdo ve za kakšne Free Coupon strani, če le te sploh obstajajo?
Lahko ga kupiš. Pobrskaj malo po forumu in poglej kaj se je prodajalo v preteklosti. Jaz jih tudi prodajam, ampak ne delam neke hude promocijo, ker se raje držim Facebookovih.
This offer is valid only for new Google AdWords customers with a billing address in the United States or Canada.
Piše spodaj :/
Rubyq, najlepša hvala za kupon! ;)
Imam pa še eno vprašanje, zdaj sem pri Billing information in moram vpisati bančno kartico. Če imam $50 gor bo šlo vseh $50 ali kaj? Res ne bi rad vsega denarja zapravil za to. Kje se da kakšen limit naštimati?
Plačti moraš 5USD aktivacije. Ta znesek se ti nalozi na racun (to velja za post-pay način plačila). Ta znesek lahko porabiš az oglase. To moraš plačatu tudi, če imaš kupon.
Ker imam nevede že več mesecev Adwords račun, mi ni uspelo uporabiti kupona ki se ga dobi od njih, tako da če ga kdo potrebuje ($75), pošljite pm ;)