Easy Blog Networks - PBN Hosting & Automation
5 naročnikov
5 naročnikov
Par dni nazaj smo zaštartal naš novi projekt za SEO/IM nišo. Gre za hosting in avtomatizacijo vzdrževanja Private Blog Networkov.
Kratek izsek iz strani:
Easy Blog Networks is a PBN hosting service that installs blogs with 1-click on random servers hosted by big-brand hosting providers like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, HP Cloud and others. The system automatically updates WordPress, plugins and themes and maintains daily blog backups.
It’s a better solution than SEO hosting because it uses default IPs and DNS addresses given from other hosting providers (so when your blog is hosted at Rackspace, you’ll be using Rackspace’s DNS addresses), therefore lacking any footprints. There are also no issues with “bad neighborhoods” because we host only with the best hosting providers.
We built Easy Blog Networks to be the easiest, simplest and 100% autopilot solution for building, hosting and managing your PBNs.
Sprejemamo izzive za iskanje footprintov :)
Kdor si želi mal naokol pogledat, nej mi jav, dam par-dnevni trial dostop (ZS).
13 odgovorov
aja, se pravi ti moraš imeti predhodno svojo registrirano domeno, ki jo potem uporabiš v tem sistemu ... jaz sem razumel drugače :)))
Zdej mi je jasno ... thx Perun :)
... toliko o preglednih in jasnih up-front navodilih ... :))
Podobnimi servisi, torej SEO hostingi?
Bom kar kopiral, če smem :)
It’s a better solution than SEO hosting because it uses default IPs and DNS addresses given from other hosting providers (so when your blog is hosted at Rackspace, you’ll be using Rackspace’s DNS addresses), therefore lacking any footprints. There are also no issues with “bad neighborhoods” because we host only with the best hosting providers.
... toliko o preglednih in jasnih up-front navodilih ... :))
Glede na to, da smo na internetmojster forumu, si nisem predstavljal, da moram razlagat, kako deluje hosting (ali gostovanje, po domače). :)