Index odleti, privacy policy rangira
26 naročnikov
26 naročnikov
Nekaj časa že razmišljam, berem in testiram pa ne pridem do nekega pametnega zaključka.
Pri več straneh se mi je že zgodilo, da so lepo rangirale, nosile so tudi lepe denarce nato pa so lepega dne zginile iz obličja googla in prva stran z mojo domeno je bil Privacy policy na 300. mestu ali pa kakšna podstran.
To se mi je zgodilo tako z novimi kot tudi z malo starejšimi stranmi(nad 3 mesece), poskusil sem z dodajanjem še več linkov, nove vsebine itd. ampak nič ne pomaga. Pri nekaterih straneh to traja že več kot 2 meseca, tako da Google Dance verjetno ni.
Vse vsebina je seveda unikatna in tudi stran čisto normalno ostane v Google indexu, če jo prikličem z site:...
Ima kdo kakšno idejo, kaj bi lahko bilo narobe in kaj lahko storim? Razmišljal sem tudi o menjavi hostinga in podobnih stvareh...
99 odgovorov
Meni se zgodilo isto, po tem ko je po cca 2 mesecih stran za longtail kw začela prinašati prvi obisk z googla (70/dan), se je en dan brez vzroka znašla nikjer. Najbolj me čudi to, da google pajek še kar indexira vsebino, na gwt mi kaže, da je še vedno na enakih pozicijah in enako število prikazov.
Sem pa pred tem spremenil amazon aff linke iz direktnih v redirektane, pa dodal sem zapareno.
I've written about SEO for Panda before, and included some tips for rescuing sites from the gaping maw of traffic loss. Before we get into the details here, let’s go back to the Google's Singhal for this gem:
"Does the site have duplicate, overlapping, or redundant articles on the same or similar topics with slightly different keyword variations?"
This is the core issue for most sites, along with saturation of advertising and lack of unique content. Beyond that problem, which can be profound for sites that have taken the easy street with SEO over the last several years, here are the major factors we’re seeing with Panda.
Affiliate links and ad units: Ensure the ratio of affiliate links to non-affiliate links is not too high. These can be a trigger. Advertising, too, is a factor and you’ll want to ensure the content to ad ratio makes for a good user experience. When in doubt remove advertising from some positions, especially above the fold, or where returns are nominal compared to your primary placements.
Low-quality or thin content: Remove these URLs, but carefully. It should be done deliberately and methodically, especially if there are thousands of URLs or more. Using a robots.txt file, robots meta noindex tag, or returning a 404 and placing that content on a separate sub-domain or domain, are the specific tactics to employ. Do not annotate this low-quality content with link canonical tags or attempt to 301 it elsewhere.
Canonicalization: If content is being syndicated, or is sourced from elsewhere, or if it has significant duplication on-site or off, tactics should be put in place to send strong canonical signals. Use of rel canonical annotations, on-page messaging, and even meta noindex, follow are all potential candidates here.
Site speed: Beyond only a good user experience, site speed was announced as a ranking factor well prior to Panda. Focus here because we suspect this to have more importance now.
Quality: This is the hardest part. Sites must make the effort to contribute value to the web, in the form of frequently published resources, information, guides, images, videos, or whatever. Sites serious about SEO need to commit to an editorial schedule and continually produce here.
Social signals: Facebook shares and likes – the former of which appears to influence rankings – Twitter activity, Google +1 use (coming soon) and quality links from social are of paramount importance.
Search result pages: Google has long publically stated that they dislike search results in their search results. However, search results have long worked in Google, to a greater or lesser extent. With Panda, it seems the dial has been turned up a bit on search results, and we’ve witnessed one site in particular suffer here.
Google Checkmates Me, But Reveals Internal Secrets...... I write back and say “So you’re telling me that I have to go back and change 10 inactive sites, change every page, (some sites had as many as 30 pages of content), based on guidelines that are completely ambiguous, just so you can CONSIDER re-activating my account?”
5. He replies (in more words than this): That’s correct.
Pretty good huh?
Now it seems like I could have gotten the account back if only I wanted to jump through the ridiculous hoops of fire and waste half my life in the process. It’s my fault now, you see.
So that’s it for that Adwords account.
Now here’s what we can learn.
I’m going to paste here what he pasted to me. I believe this information is online somewhere, I just hadn’t seen it before.
Basically, they said that some of my sites were Arbitrage sites, and some were Bridge Pages. The 2 big No-Nos for affiliates. They define these as below. See my notes in bold.
Jaz sem zdaj na podlagi teh informacij zmanjšal obseg oglasov above the fold. Poročam, če bo kak uspeh ;)
Če ne bo sprememb, je naslednja poteza (čez kakšna dva tedna) deaktivacija plugina, ki ti avtomatsko ureja interno linkanje.
Ta Google je kot ameriška vojska.
Načeloma uživa visok ugled, razpolaga z vrhunsko opremo in inteligentnimi ljudmi in kadar udari, udari silovito. Žal, brez kolateralne škode ne gre...
Če ne bo sprememb, je naslednja poteza (čez kakšna dva tedna) deaktivacija plugina, ki ti avtomatsko ureja interno linkanje.
To sem jaz izklopil pred dvema tednoma in do sedaj ni bilo spremembe.
alternativa temu Goglovemu ukvarjanju z relevantno vsebino je Altavista in HotBox iz tudi Google 90 let ... 1 in 2 stran z viagra in gambling zadetki za katerokoli iskalno geslo ... tako da meni se zdi da gre google v pravo smer ... je pa res da za svoje MFA nikoli nisem uporabljal "link building" tehnik in podpornih blog sistemov ..... statične strani in Hq content only :)
Če ne bo sprememb, je naslednja poteza (čez kakšna dva tedna) deaktivacija plugina, ki ti avtomatsko ureja interno linkanje.To sem jaz izklopil pred dvema tednoma in do sedaj ni bilo spremembe.
Opa, prehitro sem rekel. Za vsak slučaj grem pogledat par keywordov in ugotovim da so so pozicije danes vrnile. Kratek povzetek kaj vse sem storil:*Izklopil plugin SEO Smart Links
*porihtal duplicate content znotraj strani, v glavnem noindex,nofollow na tag podstrani
*dodal par kvalitenih backlinkovVem da je prehitro za rečt, da sem zadevo popravil, ker so spremembe šele danes ampak vseeno.
V bistvu je danes google spremenil algoritem in se je dosti strani, ki so bile penalizirane, vrnile nazaj.