Linki na aff. programe

Zdravo, zanima me ce aff linki ki jih dam na aff. ala amazon, clickbank vplivajo slabo na mojo optimizacijo?

20 odgovorov

če imaš adsense na taki strani ti lahko disajblajo račun (je baje par izjem a generelno ne)


Jaz imam na strani adsense, in amazon, torej mi lahko disablajo racun :O Od kdaj pa to?

če imaš adsense na taki strani ti lahko disajblajo račun (je baje par izjem a generelno ne)

Affiliate linki v kombinaciji s adsensom niso problematični, to si napačno informiran. Če ne bi jaz bil zdavnaj brez računa.


Če jih je veliko in je ključni namen obiskovalce samo preusmeriti na Amazon vsekakor da.

Če pa jih uporabljaš v člankih z unikatno vsebino (opisi izdelkov - review na primer) dodaš pa še link, dva na sam izdelek na Amazonu potem to verjetno ni velik minus iz SEO stališča.

To počnejo tudi ta velike avtoritativne strani ala na primer.


@nast1: seveda ti verjamem, tvoje izkušnje iz prakse so bolj merodajne kot moje teoretiziranje, a v mislih sem imel tole:

izvleček iz "Google General Guidelines for manual sites review" (poglavje 5, odd. 5.1.1 :
(This is the document that Google’s human search quality raters use when grading Google’s search results. )

In this section, we will talk about how spammers make money and how to look for commercial intent.

Most spam pages have commercial intent. Spammers create spam pages to make money and earn commissions
when users make a purchase on an affiliate merchant site or when they click on a PPC ad.

If a page exists only to make money, the page is spam.

Please remember: Some spam pages do not have obvious moneymaking intent. If a page is created to change search
engine rankings or even to do harm to users’ computers with sneaky downloads, it is spam even though you can’t see
how the page is making money.

5.1 Thin Affiliates

A thin affiliate is a website that earns money from affiliate commissions. It exists only to make money. The spammer
shows content from other “real” merchant sites, such as Amazon or eBay, or a good hotel or travel website. When
users click on links to buy products or make reservations, they are redirected to the “real” merchant page.

The thin affiliate offers no additional information and does not try to help users. This is a moneymaking spam

5.1.1 Recognizing Thin Affiliates

To help determine if a page is a thin affiliate, you can do the following:

 Click buttons on the page. Click on a “More Information” or “Make a Purchase” button. If you are taken to a
merchant on a different domain, it is probably a thin affiliate. You will not be able to make the purchase on the
affiliate webpage.
 Check properties of images on the page. Right-click on an image on the page with your mouse and look at
“Properties” to see where the image originates. Check to see if the address of the image is the same as the
address of the page or if it is the address of a “real” merchant?
 Look for original content on the page. Affiliate pages that include original content in addition to the affiliate
link are not spam
 Look at the domain registrants. If clicking a button takes you to another page, check to see “who is” the
registrant (or owner) of the two domains. If the registrant is the same, the page is not a thin affiliate. Please
follow the instructions for checking whose in Section 3.3.1.


če imaš adsense na taki strani ti lahko disajblajo račun (je baje par izjem a generelno ne)

Affiliate linki v kombinaciji s adsensom niso problematični, to si napačno informiran. Če ne bi jaz bil zdavnaj brez računa.

Meni so ukinili adsense račun ker sem istočasno na strani "fural" affiliate, sicer od posamezne strani in ne od naprimer amazona, clickbanka ...


Smarty, zdej boš dobu minuse :))) ..... takoj prekliči "napačno" trditev !


Aja, hehe.
Jah no povedal sem moje izkušnje ... mogoče zato ker je bil kontent enak.
Sedaj kar mi je ostalo, je zablokiran račun ter email da je odločitev dokončna :) ... torej brez pogajanja

@nast1: seveda ti verjamem, tvoje izkušnje iz prakse so bolj merodajne kot moje teoretiziranje, a v mislih sem imel tole:

izvleček iz "Google General Guidelines for manual sites review" (poglavje 5, odd. 5.1.1 :
(This is the document that Google’s human search quality raters use when grading Google’s search results. )

In this section, we will talk about how spammers make money and how to look for commercial intent.

Most spam pages have commercial intent. Spammers create spam pages to make money and earn commissions
when users make a purchase on an affiliate merchant site or when they click on a PPC ad.

If a page exists only to make money, the page is spam.

Please remember: Some spam pages do not have obvious moneymaking intent. If a page is created to change search
engine rankings or even to do harm to users’ computers with sneaky downloads, it is spam even though you can’t see
how the page is making money.

5.1 Thin Affiliates

A thin affiliate is a website that earns money from affiliate commissions. It exists only to make money. The spammer
shows content from other “real” merchant sites, such as Amazon or eBay, or a good hotel or travel website. When
users click on links to buy products or make reservations, they are redirected to the “real” merchant page.

The thin affiliate offers no additional information and does not try to help users. This is a moneymaking spam

5.1.1 Recognizing Thin Affiliates

To help determine if a page is a thin affiliate, you can do the following:

 Click buttons on the page. Click on a “More Information” or “Make a Purchase” button. If you are taken to a
merchant on a different domain, it is probably a thin affiliate. You will not be able to make the purchase on the
affiliate webpage.
 Check properties of images on the page. Right-click on an image on the page with your mouse and look at
“Properties” to see where the image originates. Check to see if the address of the image is the same as the
address of the page or if it is the address of a “real” merchant?
 Look for original content on the page. Affiliate pages that include original content in addition to the affiliate
link are not spam
 Look at the domain registrants. If clicking a button takes you to another page, check to see “who is” the
registrant (or owner) of the two domains. If the registrant is the same, the page is not a thin affiliate. Please
follow the instructions for checking whose in Section 3.3.1.

To nima nič opraviti z affiliate linki in adsensom. Gre se za to, da nekateri delajo ala poskrepane affiliate strani brez dodatne vrednosti (npr whitelabel aff strani) ali drugačen tip strani brez dodatne vrednosti. Če ti dodaš dodatno vrednost strani s pravo vsebino, pol tud aff linki ne škodijo (če ne pretiravaš).

@smarty, še imaš kje še kopijo tega sporočila? Je bil razlog dejansko samo affiliate linki ali si imel thin affliate tipa strani?

at nast1: spet se strinjam s tabo, a ne morem da ne omenim enega vica:

Medved nekje na udobni višini nad Bohinjem zoba malico ko mimo njega pridrvi Zajček in vpije "rešite se, v Bohinju medvedom režejo jaca ..... " Medved se mu zahvali za obvestilo in ga vpraša " OK, bom pazil ampak zakaj pa ti paničariš in bežiš .. saj nisi medved ?" ... In mu zajček odgovori: "dokler ti Bohincu dopoveš da si zajček in ne Medved odoše jaja ..... " ....